The end to a new beginning 3

''Since the defendant has pleaded guilty, I hereby pass my judgement. First, the defendant who is supposed to be a protector of the law has defiled the basic ethics of his duty to the nation and has committed such grief crimes that will go down in history. He is found guilty of being the killer behind the singlet case five years ago. he is also found guilty of defamation, threatening of government officials, bribery and corruption. Importing and exporting of illegal arms, kidnapping and assault. Therefore, I revoke his licence indefinitely and also sentence him to 50 years in prison without the opportunity for a parole or appeal''

Norbert Brian sat there rather calmly in front of the people. his gaze was unwavering and he didn't seem to care much about what anyone thought. After the verdict was given, he stood up from where he sat and turned to face the public defendant and said to him, ''thank you for your hard work''