The encounter 2

Outside the club/casino. A black Bentley pulled over and two men got down from the car. The one at the driver's seat locked the car and stuffed the key inside his pocket before walking over to the other one who got down from the passenger seats.

Tonight was Friday and the club was packed with a lot of people still waiting outside to get in. The club accepted only membership cards entry so anyone who didn't have a membership card could only wait outside or let someone from the inside to come for them.

When they two men walked over to the bodyguards, the man manning the entrance recognised them immediately and bowed before allowing them to go in. While they walked inside, a lot of the people started murmuring about them, those who knew the two of them shared their information with those who didn't.

''That was Matthew Hayez and his best friend Jonathan Logan. Matthew Hayez, the director of Sun Media House''