'Screw you'

''Bartender, I didn't call you here to chat with my friend. You do realise he is not in your food chain, right?''

''My food chain has only three people and that makes it full enough, it can't even take another food item'' Willow said and bit her lips remembering her dilemma. She cussed internally. she really wanted to remain silent in front of this man but she just didn't know why she couldn't suppress her anger around him.

''Right, unleash your true character' Matthew said internally as he looked at Willow. He felt that she was pretending earlier on to be polite. He leaned back against the couch and asked her with cocked brows, ''you do realise you are talking back at a customer, right? By the way, where is my watch?''

'There goes my luck' Willow said to herself before she revealed a smiled saying, 'it is at the repairer. I will pick it up tomorrow'' [Why did you have to lie, Willow? You could have just knelt down and begged him to spare your life]