Apologize 2

''Rosie, you saw how broken she was, when she found out Ken was cheating on her. I saw how happy she was when she was with that man. I don't want to cause her any pain''

''Even in this situation you are thinking about others. Tell me, will you be able to stand in the same space with that man? Is obvious he hates you and wants to make life miserable for you''

''I just have to avoid him. Besides, I am not going back to the club again. There won't be the need to see him again''

''What about the watch? Have you decided on what to do next?'' when Rose asked, Willow shook her head.

''I will just have to wait for his lawsuit or whatever he decides to do, but I won't be the first to contact him definitely''

''Aye, let's stop talking about him. Eat and we will go to the beach next. Should we call Erika and inform her that we are going to the beach? She might come around. She was really worried about you last night''