Erika's decision

''I hate him but not enough for me to wish him bad, besides, you are getting married to him and I have learnt to accept him despite our differences. I can tell he really cares about you''

''Well, relax. I am not going anywhere'' Erika pulled Willow back on her seat.

''Erika, you need to stay away from Ken. He is bad news'' Rosie added.

''Do you want to hear something funny?'' Erika chuckled.

''What is funny?'' Willow asked.

''He said he thought we were lesbians. Apparently our public display of affection made him think twice about our relationship. He said that because I cared so much about you, it made him feel insecure''

''So, we shouldn't even hang out again? Is that what he is insinuating?'' Willow asked as she looked at Erika. She felt that she was acting different for some reason.

''Erika, tell me honestly. What are your thoughts? We need to know what you are thinking'' Rosie asked.