The accident that brought them together

Matthew Hayez stared at the door and scratched his head, ''was it really my fault? But, I didn't even keep long, I came back as soon as possible'' he shook his head and went out of the room.

When the door closed, Willow screamed inside the bathroom, cussing herself, ''wowww, you are crazy. You've lost it you, crazy bitch. What did you mean by that? What if he misunderstands and thinks that he is important to you? I can't believe I shot my own foot. Willow, you are so dumb. Off all the excuses in the world, did you have to say something so lame? I've gone crazy, I've really gone crazy'' she shook her head.

After showering, Willow quickly changed and went out of the room to the hall. She saw Alex watching a documentary and joined him.

''What are you watching?''

''Animal kingdom'' Alex munched on some snacks as he watched.