Midnight chat

Willow sat across the young man nervously. She didn't know why she was called and personally taken into the director's office in the top floor of the mall after the man confirmed that she really was the wife of Matthew Hayez. She looked at the drink that he had personally served her, her throat felt dry but she didn't have the courage to drink it. She didn't dare to drink the juice that the director had personally served her.

''Mrs. Hayez, please have some juice. Your throat seems drink'' he said to her and seemed to have remembered something. He scratched his head shyly and smiled sheepishly saying,

''right. You must think that I am a strange man, right? I didn't even introduce myself. I am Vincent Ambrose''

''I know… I know who you are'' Willow said before asking him, 'sir, did I do something wrong?''