A dramatic mother in law

''Yes, mother and I don't see anything wrong with it'' Matthew Hayez answered, looking back at her. He was well aware of his mother's prejudice against people of lower social climbing. It was something she always wanted to have control over, people's lives and their decisions but he wasn't going to let her do that to his wife.

"What? Father, did you hear that? Darling, you heard that? How could you say something like this? You don't see anything wrong with what she is doing?'' Mrs. Hilda said and stood up to her feet. She glared at Willow, finding the whole situation outrageous. She is someone who always hated not been in control of the things around her. She always wanted to have everyone doing whatever she wanted. She hated jobs that weren't stable. She looked down on people who worked in the bars, malls and other places that had a lot of people visiting.