Looks like we both need the after pills

Willow went out to the garden where she saw Old Mr. Hayez watering flowers and she ran over to him.

''Grandpa, you are here?''

''Willow dear, finally you are home'' Old Mr. Hayez's mood brightened the moment he saw Willow.

''Grandpa, did you miss me?''

''Yes, grandpa missed you. I found it especially boring this morning without you at the table. Child, how do you feel? Matthew called last night to say that you were running a fever so he sent you to the manor to rest''

''Huh? Matthew Hayez said that?''

''What? Were you not sick?'' he asked suspiciously.

''No, grandpa. I was indeed running a fever but Jonathan took care of me and now I am fine. How was your night, grandpa?''

''So, so. When you get to my age, sleep becomes a luxury''

''Grandpa is going to live another 100 years, so don't fall sick soon''