Fate... I love you

''That bitch called me a hypocrite. But, strangely I think she is right. I sometimes feel that I am a hypocrite. I am not sincere at all''

''I don't think so. Anyone who sees you and Willow would know you two really care about each other. Your relationship is out of this world. Even we thought you were lesbians''

''Everyone thinks the same way when they meet us. We always get misunderstood and after explaining for a while, we decided to just let it go. I feel bad and I hate myself anytime I think about what I did to Willow but, that is not the entire truth''

''What is the entire truth then?''

''I wasn't the one who ran Edna over. It was purely accidental. They were trying to find me at the parking lot and a driver ran her over and left''

''Why didn't you report it to the police? Whoever did that could have gotten arrested''