The truth she was made to forget 2

Aliyah closed her eyes, ready for impact. She knew she was about to die because her uncle was someone who always delivered on his word but instead of hearing a gun shot, she said a bang sound and immediately opened her eyes to see Lucas holding a metal in his hands shaking.

''Lucas, what have you done?'' Aliyah screamed as she stood up.

''I did what I had to do, let's get out of here Aliyah'' Lucas let go of the metal that was smeared with the blood of Lord and went to hold Aliyah's hand.

''Wait, what about Monica? I can't leave without her'' Aliyah looked at the inside where an alarm was going off.

''They will find us if we don't leave right now. I called the police and reported. They will be here soon''

''But, I can't Monica alone''

''I promise to come back for her'' Lucas pulled Aliyah away as the bodyguards ran out to the garage and started chasing them while the man known as the boss attended to Lord Woods who was unconscious.
