Becoming the Chairwoman

''Big sis, I like this room. Everything is just perfect the way I want my room to be'' Edna said as she sat on her bed with her head resting on the headboard. This was the room that Mrs. Daniels specially prepared for her in a short time but it still suited her style. She liked princess styled rooms with a touch of wood scented perfumes. Everything she needed was in her room.

''My mom said she asked the hospital and they said one of the rooms can be converted into a therapy room. Everything you need will be provided and the room will be ready by tomorrow'' Willow sat closer to Edna.

''That means I won't have to go to the hospital, right?'' Edna asked raising a single brow.

''Yes, and we get to spend the whole time together''

''That sounds so cool. I like it''

''Edna, tomorrow I will be going to the Woods Company to have a meeting with the shareholders. My mother and the nurse I hired will all be here to take care of you''