How have you been...

Willow looked outside into the clouds as the plane flew away. She stared at the clouds lost in thoughts. She couldn't really tell the kind of feeling that she had in her heart.

''Butterfly, butterfly, show me a sign if things will go on well'' Willow sang as she looked at the window.

''Big sis, my heart is beating so fast. It feels like forever since we came here. What about you? How do you feel?''

''Well, I don't really know. I just feel surreal, but it definitely feels good to be back'' Willow said and smiled as she looked at Edna. She didn't see the butterfly that had touched the window before flying away.

''I wish I could meet my own Prince Charming in 9 Stars''

''My babe is all grown up. She even wants to fall in love?''

''Oh, I want to experience a heart fluttering romance. The kind that is fast paced, you know I like to do things on a fast pace''