The downfall of Vicky 2

Edna folded her arms as she sat down watching him grill the fish. She stood up and went closer to him and asked, ''do you come here often to spend time alone?''

''Yes, but today is the first time I am here with someone else, a woman''

Edna flushed and looked away. She pointed at the fish saying, 'that looks delicious. Oh, it's getting late I should call my sister and let her know where I am''

''I already did. I sent Willow a message telling her that you were with me''

''You… did? When?''

''Before I went to get the fish. Go back and sit if not you will get some of the smoke scent on your body''

''Don't you need help? I can help''

''No, your hands are precious to me. I can't risk your hands getting hurt''

''But, I prepared the vegetables earlier on''

''That was an oversight, go and sit down. I will be done soon''

Edna looked at him before going back to the table and chair to sit.
