The girl in ward 003 is awake.



Morris walked anxiously towards Aaron Saint who was chatting with a group of people. Seeing the anxiousness in Morris steps, Aaron Saint excused the group of men and met him halfway.

Morris spoke the moment he got closer to Aaron Saint.

''Boss, she is awake''. Aaron Saint looked at Morris confused for a while before it suddenly dawned on him and he looked at Morris surprised and spoke.

''When did this happen?''

''10 minutes ago. The director called me right now''.

Aaron smiled and murmured ''finally''. Aaron turned to Morris ''get the car ready and book emergency tickets, I must go back immediately and see how she is doing myself"

''Yes, boss. I will get to it". Morris went away and Aaron Saint removed his phone.

Josh Saint walked to him with a glass of wine and spoke.

''Long time no see, cousin. How are you doing?'' Aaron Saint looked at him and frowned.

''What is so important? I saw your little loyal dog whisper something to you''. Josh Saint said smugly

Aaron put his phone away and spoke.

':Five years ago you were stupid, five years later you are still stupid. Do you ever learn?''

''What do you mean? Mind your words, Aaron Saint. I don't mind causing a scene here''. Josh Saint said.

''Go ahead, I don't have time to explain the meaning of my words to a nitwit like you. Right, but I do have something I wanted to thank you for. Thank you for taking Liyah Myers, you two are a match made in heaven. One more thing, thanks for spending so much money on the necklace, it came in handy to the kids that need it the most"

Aaron Saint patted Josh Saint's shoulder before he walked away and Josh gulped down the wine in anger. It dawned on him rather too late as he finally understood Aaron Saint's words.

"Aaron Saint, you son of a dog" Josh Saint screamed and the people in the hall turned to look at him.

At a distance, Natalie Hanson stood with her husband and chuckled when she saw the scene. It was funny to her. Her husband looked at Josh Saint and shook his head murmuring "how did the Saint family come across such trash?"

Josh Saint turned and saw the scorned expression of the people towards him and turned to look for Liyah Myers. He was so livid and wanted to get out of that place.

He had been jealous of Aaron Saint since they were kids. Aaron's father was the youngest son yet their grandfather favoured him over Josh's father. Their grandfather ultimately passed the company to Aaron's father who also later passed it to Aaron Saint.

Growing up. Josh Saint had just one thing in mind. To crush Aaron Saint and take everything dear to him. That is why Josh Saint didn't hesitate in snatching Liyah Myers away from Aaron Saint.



WARD 003.

August Maijune looked at the four doctors curiously as they kept examining her.

Since waking up three hours ago, she has been interrogated, had her blood sample taken and was poked all over with needles that her body hurt. She had not even opened her mouth to speak yet because nothing seemed to come out of her mouth. Her body felt strange due to all the examinations she went through yet these doctors and nurses just wouldn't allow her to rest.

The door suddenly burst opened and a man trolled in with an anxious expression yet exalted a charismatic aura.

The moment August Maijune saw him, she was drawn to him and couldn't keep her eyes off him. The man as if sensing someone looking at him walked over and hugged her tightly seemingly happy to see her.

August Maijune blushed and watched the man closely as he turned to speak to the doctors still holding unto her hand tightly.

''How is she?'' Aaron Saint looked tired from all the rush but still he couldn't help it when it came to anything that concerned the girl in front of him now.

Dr. Kash France, who was also Aaron Saint's friend smiled and spoke.

''She is very healthy. This is really a rare case, Aaron Saint. After she woke up three hours ago, we did a lot of tests and examination and I can assure you that she is very healthy and in good shape''.

Aaron Saint smiled and gently played with August's hair and spoke ''that's good to know. Thank you, Kash''.

''You are welcome. I already contacted the physiotherapy department. She can start her therapy very soon. After waking up, she hasn't spoken and her legs are numb, with the therapy, she will be able to recover very soon and well''.

''Okay, thanks a lot. Can she eat now? She just woke up; she must be hungry?'' Aaron Saint said and the girl's eyes lit up. She was indeed hungry but couldn't say it out loud. August Maijune was grateful to the man who was still holding her hand. It made her feel warm strangely. She didn't find him repulsive.

''Yes, she is allowed to eat but it should be liquid and pepper free, since she is recovering''. Dr. Kash France said and smiled at August Maijune.

''Alright''. Aaron Saint responded.

Dr. Kash France and the other three interns went out leaving Aaron Saint and August Maijune alone. Aaron Saint stared at August Maijune and she blushed and weakly held the quilt to cover her face.

Aaron Saint smiled and sat on the chair closer to the bed and spoke ''are you acting shy right now?''

August Maijune shook her head under the quilt and smiled before removing it from her face to look at Aaron Saint.

Aaron Saint held her hands and spoke ''I'm glad you finally woke up, August Maijune. Why did it take you so long to wake up? Were you treated so well where you were that you didn't want to return?''

August Maijune raised her hand and touched Aaron Saint's face startling him before she managed to open her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She examined his face closely as she forced the words to come out ''Who…, who are you? I don't remember you at all but you don't feel like a stranger to me at all. Is weird'

Aaron Saint looked at her and Morris entered with a flask of soup.

''Boss, here is what you requested for''.

Morris kept the flask down on the table and glanced at August Maijune and went out. August Maijune smelled the aroma of the soup and her stomach growled. Aaron Saint laughed at her and proceeded to open the flask.

Aaron Saint poured the soup into a small bowl and added a spoon to it and spoke ''I'm going to feed you because your hands are still weak, okay?''

August Maijune nodded her head as she looked at the spoon with duck light soup. Aaron Saint smiled as the girl ate the soup heartily and he made a mental note to feed her that every day since she enjoyed it. Soon, she finished the food and Aaron Saint stood up to put the bowls away.

August Maijune kept looking and watching Aaron Saint's every move curiously. She was fascinated by him.

She didn't even know him yet he acted as if they were close. From the time he walked in till now that he was even feeding her the soup. All his actions were smooth and natural. It made her feel strange. From where did she find this fine man? August Maijune thought internally. Her face turned red when. she realised she was caught staring at him.

"Your gaze is too obvious. Is there something on my face?" Aaron Saint asked as he subconsciously touched his face.

August Maijune chuckled and shook her head.

"Did you just laugh at me? August Maijune, don't you know you are not supposed to make fun of an elder?" Aaron Saint said and August Maijune frowned and looked at him as if she was mocking him.

"Oh, what are you looking at? This girl is so brave. You are not allowed to look at a man like that, little girl" Aaron Saint murmured.

August Maijune didn't say anything neither did she look away. Her eyes were fixed on Aaron Saint's face. She instinctively raised her hand and touched Aaron Saint's face again. She traced his face contours and reached his lips and stopped asking suddenly.

"Mister, is it not a crime to be this handsome? You're totally my style"

Aaron Saint sat stupefied for a minute. He didn't know why his heart skipped a beat at the girl's careless words.

Aaron Saint brushed August Maijune's hand away and cleared his throat saying "what nonsense are you saying? Is late, you should get some sleep. I will keep watch and read you some stories"

Aaron Saint said and pushed August Maijune on the bed and covered her with the quilt.