I want to see Aaron Saint on his knees begging me to spare him his life.


The air between the two suddenly turned awkward with August and Aaron eating quietly. August quickly gulped down her food and stood up to go and Aaron said

'I'm sorry. I will knock before I enter your room again'. August turned and smiled awkwardly and spoke.

'Well, is not like you did that intentionally, right? So, let's forget about it then. I'm sure you've seen a lot of ladies naked before and whatever you saw is no different from what I have, right?'

August turned her face away and queried herself ''what nonsense are you saying, August?''

Aaron stood up and picked his plate and said with a pokerface making August cough.

'You are the first woman whose body I've seen before'

August coughed and turned to look at him with a flushed face.

'What did you just say?'

''Though, it was unplanned for, but, I don't regret seeing it. You look beautiful when you are naked''.

''What? wait, how can you say that to my face, are you a pervert?'' August watched Aaron go into the kitchen and she ran into her room.

Aaron Saint leaned on the wall of the kitchen with a redden face and ears. He heaved a breathe he had been holding and murmured to himself ''why did I have to say that? What if she thinks I'm a pervert? Did I go crazy after seeing a woman's naked body?''

August Maijune locked the room after running inside. Her legs weakened and she fell to the floor and murmured ''today is just the second day I am in this house and he has already seen my nakedness? This won't do. I need to protect myself. Why did I find his nonchalant face so adorable? No, August Maijune, you are living with a dangerous man. A man who is so handsome and sexy but dangerous.''

August Maijune shook her head and went to the closet. She soon walked with another pair of attire to what she was already wearing and smiled.

''hm, think you can seduce me that easily?''.


Aaron watched the door of August's room and went out with his briefcase to go to work.




Josh angrily threw a file at three of the heads of departments in the hotel and screamed

'Is this how you do your work? Will you only wake up after the hotel is ruined? Listen to me, this hotel is a top star hotel and I won't allow any lazy work here. Do you understand?'

The heads of departments looked at Josh feeling wronged in their hearts.

They have been working in Saint Hotel for a long time and they have sacrificed so much to make it what it is today. Yet this second young master of the Saint Family only blamed them and spoke harshly to them. The file he just threw away was a complaint from a VIP guest about room reservation. The VIP had made the reservation a week before yesterday, but, their boss who is Josh himself suddenly gave the room to a popular artiste and the head of department in charge of rooms had to clean that mess. The head of department had requested a similar room in their sister hotel for the VIP and swiftly resolved the problem but this second young master didn't praise them but instead he was criticising them.

The oldest worker who happened to be the head of departments for room allocation couldn't take it anymore and burst out

'Second young master Saint, the room in question is the same room you gave out to the artiste. We can't be blamed entirely for what happened'.

Josh looked at him begrudgingly and roared 'you…how dare you talk back at me? You are fired!!!'

The oldest worker stumped his foot in anger and replied 'Well, I wasn't planning to stay and work my ass out for an ingrate anyway'.

Josh and the other workers watched the old man walk away from them. Josh smirk and turned to the rest 'what do you want here? Are you not leaving? You bunch of idiots can't do anything right'.

The sun was still scorching even though it was way past 17:00pm in D-City. Josh pulled into Lake Side Estate. He got down from the car and went towards the elevator. The elevator dinged and Liyah saw him standing outside and spoke.

'Josh, you're back early?' Josh looked at her dress lustfully and moved towards her. He pushed Liyah back inside the elevator and punched in their building number.

'Where are you going? Dressed so sexily?'

Liyah moaned amidst the kisses Josh gave her and pulled his collar closer against her body.

'I was going out to have lunch with a friend'

'Well, that can wait. I need my lunch before you go for that lunch'

'So do I'.

Josh and Liyah kissed till they got to their floor. Because the whole floor belonged to Josh, they didn't care much for privacy and started removing their clothes in the hall way up to their apartment.





August stood at a distance away from the door dressed very conservatively with arms crossed around her upper body. The door knob turned and opened and Aaron entered inside.

The first thing Aaron saw was a woman dressed in a long black dress reaching her feet with a scarf covering almost half of her face.

The scene took him off guard momentarily and he had to blink his eyes more than twice before he could register what was going on.

Aaron walked past her to the hall and spoke.

'I should thank my stars I have only have a few friends who visit my home. What a sight it would have been. Seeing you dressed like that'.

August looked at the way Aaron casually put the suitcase on the table and sat on the sofa before removing his buttons. She gulped and shook her head and murmured to herself 'why does he have to be so handsome?'.

Aaron undid his first two buttons and looked at her as she stood dazed

'What are you standing there for? And what's with the dressing?'

'Hm, as if you don't know'.

August went to a far end of the sofa and sat down. She removed a piece of paper from under her dress and passed it to Aaron without a word.

'What is that' Aaron took and paper and couldn't believe his eyes. He waved the paper at her and spoke 'ground rules? What exactly is this about?'

August straightened herself with pride and spoke.

'After what happened today, I mean this morning. I realised it is extremely dangerous for an innocent woman like me who doesn't know much about the world to live alone with a man like you in this big house without ground rules'.

Aaron chuckled and sat relaxed and looked at her as she continued.

'Do you have any idea the kind of trauma I had when you saw me like that?'

'Like what? You mean, when I saw you naked?'

'Stop, can you not say that to my face? My pride as a woman is wounded already'.

Aaron raised his hands in surrender and said 'okay, go ahead'.

'Now, as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me. I did a lot of thinking since morning till now, well, partly because I had nothing doing anyway which is good because I realised I needed some me alone time to get my bearings together after that episode.

And I came up with these rules because living with a handsome single man is not going to be easy for a woman like me. I also found out something about myself while you were gone. I think the me before my accident was probably someone who couldn't stay away from handsome men and seeing that you're by far the most handsome man I have seen in a long time, I decided to write the ground rules. It will help me to remember that there are more handsome guys outside of here and that I need to get well soon in order to see them'.

August paused as she felt the atmosphere in the room suddenly turned chilly. She slowly looked up and saw Aaron's darkened face and stuttered

'Why's your face suddenly like that? Did I say something wrong?'

Aaron got up and walked to her. he pulled August up from the sofa and held her waist closer to himself and spoke 'say that one more time and it won't end with me seeing your body without clothes again but, it will be you under me begging me to not stop'.

Aaron let go off her and she fell down on the sofa and he walked away to his room.

August scratched her head feeling confused and murmured to herself.

'What shouldn't I say again? What did he mean by I will be under him begging him not to stop…? Realisation hit her and she blushed and looked at Aaron's door with a reddened face and ran to her room.