A girl call Maijune 1

"Really? Well, you're right about that one. I am not exactly you because you are just a weakly, a coward who can't do anything for yourself. I am Maijune and you are August and together we are August Maijune''.


''That being said. Don't you think is high time you went back to sleep and let me take over? There are still a lot of things that needs to be done. People we need to kill and have our ultimate revenge against Lorca. I bet he will come after you when he finds out you are alive''.

''Who is Lorca and what the hell are you talking about?''

''Oh, I forgot, you don't remember anything. I am the only one who needs to remember the important stuff because I do all the dirty work. Don't worry, when I take over our body, I will settle our scores with all the people responsible for the accident''.

''You will take….over my body?''

''Yes. And we don't have much time left. Don't worry, I will take good care of our body on your behalf. You just have to have a good sleep and let big sister take care of everything''

''I don't understand''.

August suddenly felt a shift in her body and fell down on the floor in the bathroom and blacked out.

It was half past 10 in the morning and August was not out yet. Aaron got worried and decided to check in her room. After calling out her name a few times, Aaron walked towards the washroom side and saw her body on the floor.

Aaron Saint quickly rushed to her side and held her and spoke ''August, wake up. What's wrong with you?''

Maijune opened her blue eyes and saw herself in the arms of Aaron. She sat up and shrieked Aaron off herself.

''Let go off me, I'm not dead''.

A sudden happiness overwhelmed Maijune and she smiled while looking at herself. She stood up and looked in the mirror with a thrilled expression as she thought in her mind ''Oh, how long has it been since I came back? This feels so good. It feels so good to be back. I feel so alive''.

Aaron Saint looked at the girl with a lot of expressions on her face and was confused because he also saw those eyes that didn't look anything like August' brown eyes. He stood up and walked closer to her and spoke.

''August, are you alright?''.

Maijune looked at him through the mirror with a sharp expression contrary to the happy ones she was making and spoke.

''Call me Maijune. I am Maijune. And…don't you think is impolite to enter a girl's room like that without permission? What kind of relationship did you have with August to be able to act this way?''


Aaron Saint was confused and didn't know what to say.

''Can you leave now? I need to bath and go somewhere''.


Aaron Saint left the room with an unsettled feeling. Whatever it was that happened inside there shocked him. The girl didn't look anything like August even though she looked like August.

Aaron Saint felt that the girl was suddenly different, distant and cold. Her eyes didn't resemble August at all. Her smile and speech was also different. At that moment Aaron received a call from Dr. Kash and answered.

''Yes, I am free. I will go there right now''.

Aaron Saint hanged up and walked downstairs.


''There is something wrong with August. She seem different. This morning she spoke rudely to me and told me not to call her August. Her eyes were blue but I know her to have brown eyes''.

Aaron Saint spoke as he sat down across Dr. Kash.

''I know''.

''You know?'' Aaron Saint asked seeming a little confused.

''Aaron I need you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say''.


''After yesterday's episode, I decided to send August's medical report to a friend who specialises in psychotherapy and psychiatry. First I had my doubts and I thought I might have been overreacting but, my friend called me this morning. August has DID''.

''What did you just say? August has what?''

''Dissociative Identity Disorder also known as multiple personality disorder or split personality disorder''

''Can you break it down for me to understand?''

''The short of it all is that…August has another personality and that is probably the one you saw this morning and that is the same one that tried to choke you yesterday''.

''Maijune'' Aaron suddenly recalled. ''She asked me to call her Maijune''.

''Where is she right now?''

''She told me she was going out''

''We need to stop her, Aaron. Until we find a solution to this or else she could pose as a danger to other people''.

'I will get some people to find her trail her, I have a tracker on her phone connected to mine. Let's go'




Maijune walked out of the salon with a new haircut. She disliked long hairs and August loved to keep her hair long. Since August wasn't going to return anytime soon, it was better to cut the hair away and be more free.

Maijune looked at her reflection in the glass windows and felt contented.

Maijune smiled and turned to go. Her eyes sported a shop across the road where they sold leather wear. She removed the black card from her pocket and murmured.

''This must belong to that man. Well, let's do something about our wardrobe while we are out, Maijune''.

Maijune walked across the road unaware of a pair of eyes tailing her from behind. Maijune entered the shop and looked at the clothes hanging. She saw a pair of black skinny ripped jeans and spoke to the salesgirl.

''I will change into that and…..'' Maijune saw a black Americana shirt paired with a cap on a mannequin and said ''and…that. I will wear them now''.

Maijune removed the black card and gave it to the salesgirl and took the clothes and went into the changing room to change.

Two boys who were already in the shop before Maijune entered looked at the black card and exchanged silent looks.

Aaron Saint and Dr. Kash arrived and Aaron pulled over and they got down. The bodyguard who tailed Maijune walked to them and pointed at the shop across.

Just then, Aaron Saint received a notification from his phone about money removed from his black card.

Maijune walked out completely changed and looked at herself in the mirror.

''Wow… I still got my body intact. Five years couldn't even do anything to this great body''.

The salesgirl gave the card back to Maijune and handed her a bag containing her previous clothes and Maijune walked out feeling happy.

Maijune looked at her curves fitting the trousers and smiled. The two boys from before walked closer to her and spoke.

''Come with us and we won't harm you''.

Maijune felt a sharp object pointing at her side and looked down. She saw one of the boys with a knife by her waist.

The boy with the knife felt satisfied as he felt Maijune was frightened by the knife.

Maijune put the black card into her pockets and sighed.

''Just when I thought I could take a break today and start hunting tomorrow''.

Maijune looked at the boys nonchalantly and spoke.

''I will give you an opportunity to scram before I lose it completely and hurt you two''.

The boys laughed and looked at Maijune.

''You're just a girl, what can you do?''

''Just quietly go with us, we won't hurt you. We just want you to hand over the card to us''.

Maijune laughed hysterically and stopped at once making the boys baffled.

''Don't say I didn't warn you''.

Before the boys could react, Maijune had snatched the knife out of the boy's hands and he screamed as Maijune held his fingers and broke them one by while.

Maijune used her left leg to kick the other boy and he fell down.

Aaron Saint and Dr. Kash saw them and rushed over. Aaron called out Maijune's name and she turned and looked at him with a murderous pair of blue eyes.

''Maijune, stop it right now''.

Maijune glared at Aaron Saint not willing to let go of the two boys and people got out of the shops to look at them.

''Maijune, let them go, people are watching''

''I don't care. They should have listened when I warned them''.

Maijune held the two boys with her hands and hit them against each other.

Aaron Saint walked closer to her and spoke softly to her.

''Maijune, be a good girl and let them go. I will make sure they get arrested for trying to harm you''.

Maijune looked at Aaron with a strange gaze.

''How did you know they tried to harm me?''

''You wouldn't harm anyone who doesn't get in your way. Off course, I know they must have done something. Now, let them go and come with me''.

Maijune's hands relaxed and she let go.

The boys fell to the ground with bleeding noses. They got up and ran away leaving the knife.

Aaron Saint sighed and pulled Maijune into his embrace and spoke to the bodyguard.