A Girl Call Maijune 3

Maijune finished the milk and put the glass in the sink and turned to go. Aaron Saint stopped her and spoke ''you clean after yourself. Wash the glass, Maijune''.


Aaron Saint went out to his study room and Maijune washed the glass.


Maijune stopped at her door and looked at the door to the study room. She smirked and went to open the door and entered. She saw Aaron Saint reading some documents and typing on his computer.

Aaron Saint looked up and saw her.

''Do you need something?'' he asked her.

''No, I can't sleep. Do you mind if I…like stay here for a while with you?'' Maijune said and tried to pry into his computer.

''Sit down''. Aaron Saint said and turned off the screen of the computer and focused on the files in front of him.

''Thanks''. Maijune looked at the unfamiliar study room curiously.

Maijune watched Aaron Saint intensely as he worked. Aaron Saint sighed and looked at her and spoke.

''What is it? Do you have something to say to me? Why are you looking at me like that?''

''I know you hate me'' Maijune said as a matter of fact.

''What makes you think so?'' Aaron Saint shook his head and smirked.

''Because I'm not August''.

''I don't hate you. I'm not just familiar with you yet'' Aaron Saint said honestly. He was still not used to her appearance

''Yeah, I know. So, can you tell me more about the accident?'' Maijune asked.

''The accident?''

Aaron Saint put his file away and starred at her as she continued.

''I was Maijune before the accident. Is been five years since I was gone and I kinda need to know what happened to me''.

''I told you everything before'' Aaron Saint said not wanting to repeat his narration over again in cased she picked something from it. He knew this new character was smart.

''That was August I presume. Our memories are distinct and different from each other. The way we remember things are different and the things we experienced are also different''. Maijune said.

''I will tell you, if only you agree to something''.

''What is that?''

''Tell me about you. I need to know who I am living with''.


''Then, we have a deal. What do you want to know?''


''Alright. It was late summer, in the night. I was drunk and drove above the speed limit. Before I knew it, I had run over you already. I sent you to the hospital and five years later, here we are''.

''Why did you get drunk that night?''

''Bad breakup''.

''Your girlfriend dumped you?''

''More like she cheated on me with my cousin''.

''Whoa. Must have hurt a lot. I forgive you for almost killing me back then, and thank you for saving me and my sisters' lives''.


''Yeah. Oh, August didn't tell you right? We are actually three. August, Maijune and Mai''.

''Wait, I am getting confused here?''

''I'm giving you free information, Aaron. I know you plan to take me to the doctors but, I don't need help. We don't need help. Now that I am here, I intend to eliminate all possible dangers to me and my sisters' life''.

''So, there is another personality apart from you?" Aaron Saint asked curiously.

''Can you not speak as if we are objects, Aaron''.

''I'm sorry''.

''Listen, I am nothing like my sisters. I am wild, impulsive and a terrible person, but, I need to be all that because my sisters are weak. They can't protect themselves so I have to do it for them''.

''Where did you learn how to fight?''

''I think that was when I was twelve? Aaron, can I ask you for a favour? I need to find some people''.

''Who are they?''

''People who killed my parents and turned me into a psychopath''.

''Are you going to kill them?''

''Depends on my mood. They will probably try to kill me if they find out I am alive, so, I need to find them first''.

''Are they not dangerous people?''

''They are, but, I am more dangerous, Aaron. You can't even imagine the kind of stuff I've done before. I am not your average 16-year-old. Oh, right? I am now 21 years''

''Tell me their names, I will take care of them. I don't want you putting yourself in danger, Maijune''.

''No, this is my fight, Aaron. I don't need you to do anything for me''.

''You're just a girl, Maijune. I can't let you put yourself in danger''.

''I am not just a girl, I started killing people when I was twelve''.


''Yes. These people turned me into a psycho and destroyed every chance I could have had to be a normal teenager. I am the only one who can fight them''.

''I am a powerful man, I have connections and I know people''.

''Yes, I know that. But, these people are capable of anything. They're dangerous. I am not telling you anything''.


''Aaron, I need you to trust me. I am not August. I am not weak. Can you let me take care of this myself? If I need help, I promise I will let you know''.

''Give me their names, then''.

''Lorca Don Marco and Josh Saint''

A suddenly realisation dawned on Maijune and she looked at Aaron Saint

''You're Aaron Saint. Does that mean you are…?''

''Josh is my cousin. How did you know him?''

''I was assigned to do some work for him. I think he wanted me to get rid of someone. The name was Aaron Saint. Hell no. Is you!!''

''Josh asked you to get rid of me?''

''Yeah, I have a good memory so I couldn't have mistaken the name. I am sure it was Aaron Saint on the paper''.


''How in the world did I… I mean, we are here together? Aaron, I think this is a conspiracy. I was supposed to kill you but you run me over and saved me and now we are here. That also means, they must know already who I am and where I am''.

''You were assigned by Josh Saint to kill me five years ago?''

''I hope this isn't some game been played on us?'

''Maijune, can you tell me into detail what this is all about?''

''Yeah, I will if only you let me deal with them myself''.

''No, I am involved now. I can't hide behind a little girl''.

''Then, we will take our revenge separately. I will start my revenge first before you''.


''Okay. let's see. In the year 20xx, I was under Lorca's grip. He kidnapped my parents. He is my mother's younger cousin so that makes him my uncle. He kept my parents and promised to release them if I completed a total of 20 jobs. You were the last of it, but my parents were already dead back then.

I didn't know so I worked hard, killed a lot of people just to free them.

I believe the day I was supposed to kill you was the day he planned to also kill me after the work was done.

Lorca made me do so many terrible things. Things you can't imagine''.

''Back then, were you already three personalities living inside one body?''

''Yeah. I don't know when or how it began. I just know that, if I hadn't come to the rescue of August, she would have committed suicide. August is a coward.

She was just twelve when Lorca sent her to the underworld. August was bullied and molested''.

Tears streamed down Maijune's face as she spoke.

''She was just twelve, but, nobody cared. I think that was when I was brought to life. I was the one who killed all those 15 men who tried to gang rape her that night. I saved August.

August doesn't remember any of this because she couldn't handle it. You see why I hate her? She is so weak and needs to be protected.

Mai at least is smart and always knows what to do at most times. But, Mai is so timid and can't sleep alone at night. She gets scared easily and won't talk to anyone she doesn't know''.

''You went through a lot. Maijune, I can't let you fight those monsters again all by yourself''.

''You know, I like that you want to help and all that. But, I am used to fighting alone''.

''Not anymore. I don't care who you are. I don't care that you're August, Mai or Maijune. I will protect you''

Maijune smiled and wiped her tears away and said ''Now I know why August likes you so much''.


''I think I need to go and sleep now''.


Aaron Saint watched Maijune as she went out of the room. Aaron picked his phone on the table and made a call.

''Find out the whereabouts of Josh Saint and investigate a man named Lorca from the underworld''.

Aaron Saint hung up and furrowed his brows angrily.