Aaron Saint is Mine 1

''Are you okay? Next time, don't you dare walk through the rain to come here. What if you catch the flu?''

''I will be careful, okay? Stop scolding me already''.

''Hurry up, let's go home'' Aaron Saint and August Maijune screamed suddenly in the bathroom and Aaron Saint rushed in.

''What kind of dress is this?'' Aaron Saint saw the dress and started laughing.

August Maijune couldn't believe it. It was a blue dress with so many belts around it and had picture of a male cock at the middle and looked extremely funny.

One would think, it was for a comedian about to go on stage.

''That girl did it on purpose. She intentionally left this dress here so that Maijune or I could use it. She is lucky I found it''.

Aaron Saint was still laughing at the dress.

''Will you stop laughing already? I am not wearing this out''

''Why, it looks good on you? You're already a pervert, so wearing this kind of suits you. I should give Mai a reward later on''

''Aaron, are you kidding me? Do you want your staff to give me a nickname? No, forgot that they will give me a nickname, they might even take pictures and videos and upload it on the internet. My life will officially be over by then''

''But, that is the only dress here''

''I don't care, get someone to bring me a dress. I am not going out in this dress. I might as well walk out naked. Aaron Saint, if you don't get me a dress right now, I don't mind walking around naked, either. After all, you have seen me naked before. It won't make a difference now, right?''

''Hey, are you kidding me? Walk away naked and don't blame me for anything that happens''

Aaron Saint glared at her and went out to make a call. ''Sit inside here till I return with a dress''




Rowena Myers threw her purse away and screamed. She had never being humiliated in this manner before.

Aaron Saint had the nerve to ignore her because of a common girl. Her eyes roamed the room and landed on the purse under the bed, she picked it and removed her phone making a call

''I want you to find out everything about the little girl living with Aaron Saint, right now''

She put the phone away and sat on the bed.

She had worked hard just to be able to stand side by side with Aaron Saint and she wasn't going to allow anyone be a hindrance to her plans. She came back to D-City after years of preparation and just when everything was going on well, another pest had to appear.

No matter how she thought about it on the way back to her suit room in Saint Hotel, their relationship didn't seem normal.

The way Aaron Saint looked at that girl, anyone even if they were blind could still tell that their relationship was more than that of a guardian and a kid.

No, no matter what, Aaron Saint was hers and no one could stop her from getting him, not after she had done everything to be where she was today.

The human being was just like this, her unrequited love all these years gradually turned into a possessive obsession and Rowena felt she deserved the man and no other woman was as capable as her to compete with her for the affection of Aaron Saint.

Rowena Myers walked to the long mirror in the room and chuckled hysterically like a crazy person. Her eyes turned cold at that moment and a murderous aura could be felt in the room. She had made a decision already.

Whoever August Maijune was, she Rowena Myers was going to make sure that the girl disappeared from Aaron Saint's side.



Liyah Myers looked at the phone in her hands as she chuckled. She just received a call from her secretary informing her of an emergency shareholders meeting organised by her grandma. It seemed the old lady was already in D-City without her knowledge.

A shareholders meeting could only mean one thing, they wanted to replace her and who could be better than Rowena Myers. Rowena Myers had become the old lady's pawn now, doing her bidding just to have Aaron Saint.

Liyah Myers picked her bag, she had to do something, act fast or whatever she had worked hard for would go down the drain. She quickly went out of the house and got into her car and drove her.

The housekeeper who was keeping watch all the while quickly made a phone call to the old lady and spoke ''the young Miss just left the gardens''.

She hung up and smirked. If Liyah Myers were there to see the housekeeper's action, she would have gotten shocked to the bone.

This housekeeper had been with Liyah Myers since she was a kid, serving her parents till they passed away an accident. The housekeeper was just someone planted by Liyah's grandma to watch over and report everything Liyah Myers was up to.


From the gardens to Eden Estates was an hour drive. Liyah Myers arrived and the gates opened automated after she gave her name and purpose.

Aaron Saint had long expected Liyah Myers to visit him so he wasn't surprised when he got a call about Liyah at the gate and gave his permission for her to be allowed in.

Liyah Myers pulled over in front of Saint Villa and touched the house bell. Aaron Saint opened the door ushering Liyah Myers in. Liyah Myers spoke as she changed into slippers and went to the hall with Aaron Saint

''Aaron, I need your help''

Aaron Saint nodded his head and led her to the sofa saying ''sit first, I will get you something to drink''.

''Water will do; I am in no mood for anything else''.


Liyah Myers looked around asking ''where is August Maijune''. August Maijune responded walking down to the hall.

''Missed me? I am here''. Liyah Myers looked at her remembering their last encounter.

The fear was still in her from the last time she tried to mess with the girl and she wasn't even in the mood to do so.

Aaron Saint brought Liyah Myers a glass of water and sat across her. August Maijune looked at their serious expression and said ''and that is my cue to leave. I will be in the library''.

''Mmm'' Aaron Saint responded and August Maijune went away leaving the two of them alone.

Liyah Myers nervously sipped some water and spoke ''Aaron, Rowena is back and she and the old lady wants Fashion Lyah''.

''I know'' Aaron Saint said.

''You know?'' Liyah Myers asked surprised.

''Rowena came to my office today. She looked quite determined. Are you sure you want to fight against the old lady?''

''I can't let them have Fashion Lyah. That is my mother's blood and sweat''

''I don't know the situation in your family and you've never told me about your family, but I'm guessing there is more to it than meets the eye?''.

''You're right Aaron. My family is quite a mess. Everything changed when my parents passed away in that accident.

You know my grandma was the one who took care of both Rowena and me. In my mother's will, I was supposed to take over Fashion Lyah after I finished university which I did. But, something happened. I really didn't want to tell you this, Aaron''.

''What? If you need my help, then, you have to tell me everything. If you can't trust me, then I won't be able to help you Liyah''.

''I know, that's why I'm here. I think I need to come clean even if it means getting mudded in this mess. My grandma has something against your family. I think it has something to do with your old man and her''

Aaron Saint frowned a little not expecting the information he was getting from Liyah Myers.

''Before I met you, I saw Josh Saint at one of my parents' fashion shows and fell for him. Then my grandma found out about it and threatened me. She wanted me to be with you instead, so in order for her to continue to take care of me, I had to listen to her. So, I approached you. I didn't even know then that Rowena was in love with you. After we got together I found out about your relationship with Josh.

I thought that I could just break up with you easily and be with Josh, but, as time went on I found it hard to because you are a good person. But, then, one day I came clean with my grandma about my feelings for Josh and she told me she needed me to accomplish what she couldn't do. I realised there was more to it than what she was letting out. I didn't want to get caught up in that mess. I didn't want my grandma to hurt you in any way through me''

''So, you slept with Josh and intentionally let me visit you and saw everything?'' Aaron Saint asked.