Aaron Saint is Mine 4

The old lady banged her fist on the table in a fright of anger and Liyah Myers shivered, a little scared.

Rowena Myers looked at Liyah Myers mockingly and quickly turned to the old lady with a look of worry saying ''grandma, calm down. The doctor said you shouldn't be aggravated''.

Rowena Myers turned to Liyah Myers saying ''Liyah, what do you mean by what you just said? Grandma only has your best interest at heart. Besides, if uncle hadn't married your mother, say, would she have given birth to you? Grandma has taken care of you for so long, is this how you repay her kindness?''

''Forget of her Rowena. She is just an ungrateful brat like her mother. I called you to say two things. First, I want Rowena to take over the management position. Two, break up with that boy from the Saint family. I intend to let your cousin get married into that household''

Rowena Myers looked at Liyah Myers with a triumphant look.

Liyah Myers chuckled sarcastically and remembering Aaron Saint's words, she looked up with her chin high and sipped the tea in front of her before saying "grandma, you must still think I am the Liyah from the past. How long has it being since we last saw each other? 6 years? 7 years? Grandma, you still haven't changed one bit. You are still the same"

Liyah Myers' tone and mannerism changed totally from the timid girl they were accustomed to which startled both the old lady and Rowena Myers. Liyah Myers' voice was laced with confidence and her eyes were unreadable at that moment.

''You want Rowena Myers to take over the management position from me? Does she know anything about business or fashion? Just because she is some little actress who managed to become popular doesn't mean she knows anything about fashion. And why should I listen to you? Fashion Lyah doesn't belong to the Myers family. It belongs to my mother and she gave it to me before dying. Why should I let another person manage what's mine? Have you forgotten so soon grandmother. Before I took over, Fashion Lyah was managed by you and under younger administration, it was on the verge of going bankrupt until I stepped in as the new CEO and made it what it is today. You want me to actually hand over a company I have spent all my youth in to someone who doesn't even know how to keep her mouth shut?"

''Hey, Liyah Myers, have you gone mad? How dare you talk to grandma in that manner?'' Rowena Myers retorted.

Liyah Myers ignored her and looked at the shocked expression of the old lady and smiled.

''You stopped calling me the moment I broke up with Aaron Saint and got together with Josh Saint back then. That's when I thought about everything. You just wanted someone who will infiltrate into the Saint household and be your pawn there. Grandma, did I tell you? One of the reasons why I broke up with Aaron Saint back then was because I didn't want you to use me against him"

"I always knew you didn't like me but you couldn't hate me either because no matter what I still carried the blood of a Myers in me''.

''What? Liyah Myers, how dare you speak to me in that uncut manner? Do you think you have now developed the wings to fly just because you have some few people backing you up? You better hand over all the documents of the company over to your cousin' or don't blame me for been ruthless" The old lady said in an attempt to threaten and scare Liyah Myers.

''Grandma, I don't think I will be able to fulfil any of your request for you. What do to? I am too busy to still have time for that. As for me breaking up with Josh, I was going to do that anyway, but will my little cousin here really be able to get married into the Saint household? Grandma, you must think you are the only smart woman with tricks up your sleeves? Does Rowena Myers have the confidence to really marry into the Saint family? Aaron Saint isn't so blind as to marry a brainless woman like her"

'Also, you two should stop dreaming about ever succeeding in achieving your goals because Aaron Saint isn't an easy man as you think"

''Shut up''. The old lady couldn't take it anymore and rebuked Liyah Myers but, Liyah Myers couldn't be stopped as she decided to pour out everything she had bottled inside her for the last years.

''I haven't even said anything and grandma wants me to shut up? You came back to D-City without even informing me. You called and bribed the shareholders to get them on your side just to kick me out of my own company. Do you think I will take that laying down? You must be dreaming. You want cousin Rowena to marry into the Saint family? Go ahead, but, let me give you a piece of advice, Aaron Saint doesn't like dumb and stupid women''

Liyah Myers looked at her watch as the waitress pulled the trolley of dishes to their table. ''I wished I could dine with you, grandma and cousin, but I am a little busy. See you at the shareholders meeting next tomorrow'' Liyah took her bag and walked out.

The old lady and Rowena Myers looked shocked beyond their expectation so much that they didn't even react when Liyah Myers took her bag and left.

Rowena Myers came back to her senses and chuckled saying ''grandma, are you just going to let her go?''

''Let her go, she must think she is grown now. I will cut her wings short very soon''


Liyah Myers gave a triumphant smile as soon as she got out of the hotel. She removed her phone and made a call to Aaron Saint as she walked towards her car across the road.

A car pulled over in front of her and she stepped back. Josh Saint got out of the car and walked to her. Liyah Myers' smile vanished as she looked at him.

''Why have you not being picking my calls, Liyah?'' Josh Saint asked as he stopped in front of her.

''I've been busy, Josh" Liyah Myers replied and stuffed the phone into her bag.

''Busy doing what? Fucking Aaron Saint, my cousin?'' Josh Saint asked angrily.

''What are you talking about, Josh Saint?" Liyah Myers asked finding his accusation ridiculous.

''You've been visiting Aaron Saint lately. Do you think I wouldn't find out?'' Josh Saint asked impatiently as he glared at Liyah Myers.

''Have you being tailing me?'' Liyah Myers asked and chuckled sarcastically.

''You haven't picked my call since the day we quarrelled. I had someone report your location for me. Last night, you went of Aaron Saint's villa and this morning you went to his office. Tell me. Are you two planning something against me?" Josh Saint asked and forcefully held Liyah Myers' hand tightly.

''I went to Aaron Saint because I needed his help with work and that is all there is to it?" Liyah Myers said and yanked her hand away.

''Really? I thought you were back to fucking him? Since you were able to leave him for me" Josh Saint said.

''What? How dare you say that to me? Do I look that cheap to you? How did I not see this side of you all this years Josh Saint? How could you say that about me?'' Liyah Myers' eyes stung as she spoke.

''Well, you left Aaron Saint for me. There is nothing preventing you from going back to him again?'' Josh Saint said and a slap resounded in the air. Liyah Myers had slapped him.

''You're really trash, Josh Saint. How didn't I know this about you before falling for a scum like you? I was really blind to love someone like you. You don't have any right to insult or ridicule me because you are even more shameless compared to me, Josh Saint. Don't think that just because you are low and have low standards everyone else is like you. You can insult me, I don't mind but you have no right to drag Aaron Saint into this matter because Aaron Saint is a decent man and 100% a decent human being than you, Josh Saint'' Liyah Myers said while her whole body shook. She had never felt like killing someone like she did today.

''What? Hey, Liyah Myers, don't you dare insult me. We are the same kind of people''. Josh Saint said smugly as he wiped his cheek.

''You are wrong, Josh Saint. I am nothing like you and we are so done for good. I am breaking up with you, excuse me'' Liyah Myers said and pushed Josh Saint aside.

''Come back here Liyah Myers'' Liyah Myers walked away hurriedly to her car as Josh Saint screamed her name.

Rowena Myers and the old lady stood at a distance watching the whole scene.