Scum will always be scum no matter what you do to it 3

Josh Saint looked at them and said ''are you fucking Liyah Myers now? I saw she visited you a few days ago at home and at your office''.

Aaron Saint let go of Maijune's hand and walked to Josh Saint and gave him a punch.

Maijune looked at them confused but kept her calm as Aaron Saint spoke ''do you think everyone is like you? A scum will always be a scum no matter what you do to it''

Josh Saint wiped the blood from his lips and chuckled with a mocking expression.

Aaron Saint lifted his hand to punch him again and Maijune stopped him saying ''that's enough, Aaron Saint. Don't lower your standards by fighting with such a scum''

Aaron Saint composed himself and noticed the crowd around them.

Maijune went up close to Josh Saint and whispered into his ears making his eyes to bulge out ''I will come for your blood later, Josh Saint, remember this face? How dare you provoke what's mine?''

Maijune looked at him and smirked and turned to Aaron Saint. She held Aaron Saint's hand and they walked out.

Josh Saint stepped back in fear as he looked at Maijune and quickly removed his phone making a call.




It was almost 21:00PM when Aaron Saint and Maijune arrived home. Aaron Saint pulled over and they got down and found Liyah Myers at the door.

Maijune frowned and said ''enemies really meet on a narrow path. What do you want here?''

Liyah Myers ignored Maijune and spoke to Aaron Saint.

''Aaron, I need to show you something. Is about…'' Liyah Myers looked at Maijune and continued ''is about August Maijune''.

''Let's go in''. Aaron Saint opened the door and they went in.

''What about me? Say it already'' Maijune asked impatiently as they entered into the house.

Liyah Myers sat and handed a brown big envelope to Aaron Saint. Maijune sat at once closer to Aaron Saint and watched as he opened the envelope and removed different photos of August, Mai and Maijune all in different attires and a stack of papers revealing all her medical records.

Maijune snatched one photo and cussed ''fuck, what the hell is all this?''

''Aaron, Rowena asked someone to investigate August Maijune. I didn't know about that. I only found out and intercepted because I thought they were probably information about me. As I was about to burn them, I found out about them accidentally and had to come here as soon as possible''.

''Thanks Liyah, this is classified information, for Rowena to have gotten them it means she spent a lot of money before getting them'.

At this point, Maijune was confused and frustrated and couldn't stand been in the dark any longer and asked coldly ''hello, what is going on here? Can someone tell me what this is all about because I am losing my patience. Are you two going out?''

''No'' Liyah Myers replied.

''Then, what is this about? Care to explain, Aaron Saint? Who is Rowena Myers and why did she investigate me?''

''A lot of things happened while you were gone, Maijune. I will explain to you so listen and don't interrupt me''.

''Okay, shoot''

Aaron Saint explained everything to Maijune. He didn't hide anything from her because he knew the kind of person she was.

Liyah Myers scrutinised Maijune as Aaron Saint was busy explaining to Maijune. Liyah Myers still couldn't believe her eyes. She had heard of people having DID and had even seen some on TV but never could she have imagined that someone she knew would have that kind of sickness.

Everything about Maijune now amazed her after she read all the information about her. Liyah Myers was smart and quickly realised she had met with all three personalities already.

Maijune chuckled and stood up angrily saying ''fuck her. I am going to kill that daughter of a dog. How dare she even try to harm me? Is she out of her mind?''

Liyah Myers shrugged back as she looked at Maijune. She was definitely the craziest and psycho among the three personalities.

Liyah Myers made a mental note to stay away from her as long as she was Maijune.

''Calm down, sit down''.

Aaron Saint said Maijune sat back and glared at Liyah Myers saying ''don't think I will be grateful just because you managed to get these about me''

''Wow, you really look different. This is amazing. I have never seen this kind of thing before''. Liyah Myers said and watched Maijune amusingly.

Maijune tussled her head feeling frustrated as Liyah Myers looked at her like an animal in the zoo.

''Liyah, thanks for doing this. Tomorrow is the shareholders meeting, I need you to go back home and rest''.

''Mm, that is also why I am here. My house might not be safe for me. I found out this morning that my housekeeper has being keeping tabs on me behind my back. I can't sleep there tonight''.

''Wait, you are not asking to sleep here. Are you?'' Maijune asked.

''I have no place to go?'' Liyah Myers declared.

''Go to your boyfriend. We even met that scum before we came. He almost made me misunderstand Aaron Saint by saying a bunch of nonsense''

''That…I broke up with him a few days ago'' Liyah Myers said.

''Wow…you're one hell of a headache. Let me ask you? Were you born purposely to torment me?''

''Maybe…you see; I suddenly find you likable after knowing about your condition'' Liyah Myers said sincerely to Maijune and the latter frowned her face.

Aaron Saint looked at the two ladies as they bickered back and forth. He got up and went to his room and they didn't even notice it.

''You suddenly find me likable? Sorry to disappoint you but I don't share that sentiment with you. I don't like you. I hate you so much. Can't you tell?'' Maijune glared at Liyah Myers.

''I can tell, but, bear with it. You are going to be seeing a lot of me from now onwards. And I am older than you. Why do you keep speaking down to me like that?'' Liyah Myers couldn't help but ask.

''This is originally who I am. I speak down to people I don't like. Your age makes no difference to me'' Maijune said arrogantly.

''Really? Then, I will also speak down to you'' Liyah Myers said teasingly.

''When have you not done that? You're so unlikable, do you know that? Is hard enough that I see you wherever I go and now you want to stay in my house?"

'I know you don't like me but I can assure you that your hatred won't last because I have a way of turning my enemies into friends. Also, this is not your house. It belongs to Aaron Saint" Liyah Myers said and cocked her eyes at Maijune.

"Aaron Saint belongs to me and everything he has is mine" Maijune retorted immediately.

Aaron Saint walked out of his room with a pillow and a blanket and spoke as he stood at the stairs.

''Liyah, you can sleep in my room. I will use the hall''.

Maijune bulged her eyes and Liyah Myers noticed it and decided to tease her a little ''Yes, Aaron''

At that moment, Maijune screamed "no, never. That will never happen in a million years. She is sleeping in my room. I will just bear with her for the night''.

Both Liyah Myers and Aaron Saint looked at her and laughed.

''What about clothes?'' Liyah Myers asked.

Maijune looked at her with a displeased expression and spoke " clothes? Didn't you say you came to sleep here? Why didn't you bring anything to sleep on? Don't you dare have any designs on Aaron Saint. He is mine!!''

Liyah Myers and Aaron Saint looked at her and Liyah Myers murmured ''I didn't know you were this cute, August Maijune''.

''I don't care; our bodies are almost the same. I will just lend you some clothes but, you must buy a new set for me. I will never wear anything you put on again. Let's go to my room. You are not allowed to leave after going in. Whatever you need, I will get it for you. Don't you think I will allow you to have any thoughts on what's mine. I will lock the door and hide the key. You're not getting out until morning''.

Aaron Saint watched the two ladies go to Maijune's room as they continued to bicker.

Aaron Saint went back to his room and couldn't help but smile as he thought about Maijune's behaviour.