How dare you set your eyes on what's mine? 3

Mandy Myers studied Leo Martins while everyone was busy starring. From his mannerism, dressing and speech, he was no ordinary person.

The old lady had been in touch with people, so she could tell that this young man here was not just an ordinary person.

From the moment she came in, he had remained at his seat relaxed watching them like he was watching something exciting. He didn't even bother to curry favour with her.

Now that she was looking at it. Five other shareholders were absent which meant that this young man probably had a hand in their absence.

He was definitely someone she couldn't afford to mess with. It looked like Liyah really prepared to battle it out with her till the end. Then, if that was the case, she wasn't going to let Liyah off that easily.

If she couldn't have Fashion Lyah, then, Liyah couldn't have it either. She would make sure Fashion Lyah's reputation was lost and crashed beyond repair.

She could only use her trump card now that things have gotten to this stage.

The old lady walked to Leo Martins with a smile and spoke 'hi, I didn't know we had such a young shareholder in our company?' Which family are you from?'

Everyone became curious and looked on with interest. Leo Martins smiled and spoke not having the intention to hide his background. After all, these kind of people valued family background the most.

'I am Leo Martins. Son of Nickolas Martins of D-City military base'. Everyone gasped with shock.

Liyah looked at Leo Martins as their eyes met. Never could she have imagined someone like Leo Martins would have shares in her company. She had heard about him from Aaron Saint some few years back but she had never met him before.

So, this was the person Aaron Saint asked to come and help her? Liyah couldn't believe it. Liyah thought she might have saved Aaron Saint in his previous life for him to still be this willing to help her after what she did to him.

Rowena was also shocked at the sudden revelation. She openly drooled at Leo Martins with a flirtatious smile.

As for the shareholders, they were scared to their wits and didn't want to offend such a man after finding out about him.

They all looked at Mandy Myers hoping she could salvage the situation. Mandy Myers was still as calm as the waters in a contained space but deep in her heart, she felt like her heart strings were being pulled and she could feel herself losing it but still she was Mandy Myers after all. She could lose it right now. She couldn't afford to lose it.

If worse comes to worse, she could still use her trump card and by the time Aaron Saint or the gentleman before her could do anything to stop her plans. Things would have escalated beyond repairs.

With that in mind, the old lady smiled and said 'Right. Mr. Martins is right. since Liyah is still the current chairwoman, she should sit on her rightful place. Everyone, please sit and let's move on to the agenda of today'.

Everyone sat and the room turned quite suddenly. Liyah stood up and greeted everyone after they all sat down

'Everyone, I greet and welcome you to our shareholders meeting. Today, we are here because my grandma, the former chairwoman had called for an emergency shareholders meeting for the removal of the current chairwoman which also happens to be me.

I received a letter of notification a week ago informing me of the decision to remove me and replace me with Miss Rowena Myers here who also happens to be my cousin. So, before we start with the votes, I will call on the former chairwoman to state her reasons for dismissal'.

The old lady smiled and opened a file in front of her saying 'I welcome everyone here today. Fashion Lyah is like my own baby because I watched it grow into what it is today'.

Maijune held Liyah's hand under the table as she got nervous and started stamping her foot. Liyah calmed down and smiled weakly at Maijune.

'Fashion Lyah is a place that is known for its uniqueness in the way it works and provides the best services to its customers. Off course, we hold in high esteem its workers and don't condone behaviours that will tarnish the image that we have worked so hard to build. You all know I wasn't in D-City for a few years and during those years, my granddaughter Liyah Myers took over in managing this place and she has done a wonderful job. But, since I came back, I have found some irregularities with working system. In short, everything is messed up. I also found financial statements not matching and Liyah Myers personal life is also messed up'.

Liyah looked at her grandma and Rowena not liking where the old lady was taking things too. Rowena smirked as if saying she was done for.

Leo Martins chuckled as he watched the old lady. She was indeed a sly one.

'Because Liyah Myers is my granddaughter, I can't openly say anything about her private life so I will stop here'.

Mandy Myers finished and looked cockily at Liyah. Liyah composed herself once again and spoke.

'Thank you for your dismissal reasons. Now, shall we begin with the votes?'

Liyah's voice was laced with panic as she said and sat back. Leo Martins raised his hand and spoke.

'May I say a few words?'

'Sure, go ahead'. Mandy Myers said.

'You just spoke about your own granddaughter's personal issues like it was someone else. I find it funny because I think this is more of a family power display and your actions here are not simply asking for Miss Myers' dismissal but a display of who laughs last. This in other words is known as bullying. Isn't that the case?'

The shareholders gasped at his words and Rowena chuckled and spoke 'You don't know who Liyah is that is why you are saying all that to my grandma'.

'Then, do you mean that I am attacking your grandma based on personal feelings? This is our first time meeting, right Miss Myers?'

Leo Martins looked at Liyah as he said and she replied 'yes, sir'.

'Let's not beat around the bush and get this over with. I am a busy person. How many shares does the one who intend to take over the chairperson's position have?'

Leo Martins asked, completely taking over the whole situation. 'No, it should rather be how many people here are in agreement with the dismissal of Miss Myers?'

The five shareholders, Rowena and Mandy Myers raised their hands. 'Okay, that's seven people against three people. Me? I definitely want this sexy chairwoman to keep her position and I think I share the same sentiment with this cute badass lady here, right?'

Leo Martins winked at Maijune and she replied 'sure, mister'.

'Good, let's see. how many shares does one need to be the chairperson?' Leo Martins asked.

'75% of the shares'. Rowena replied confidently.