The calm before the storm 2

Maijune walked the streets in the middle of the night and smiled sarcastically.

She looked at the two imaginary figures walking with her and one of them said 'Oh, I know this street'

Mai said as she pointed a club across the road 'this is where dad brought us when we passed the junior high school exams'.

'Yes, I remember it. We had so much fun and learnt to drink here. Dad even told us not to tell mom about it. Do you remember, Maijune?' August asked.

'I don't have such good memories like you two' Maijune replied and saw a bench in front of a park saying 'let's go to that park and sit for a while'.

August and Mai followed Maijune to the bench and sat.

'Now that you rashly left the house, where are we going to sleep tonight? The night is always cold and chilly in D-City'. August asked.

'What was I supposed to do? He sided with Liyah Myers and spoke to me as if I was the devil. I mean, how could he do that to me? I just didn't want to see her suffering and thought by provoking her, she would open up a bit' Maijune said angrily.

'He went out of line then'. Mai added.

'But, do you think he really still likes her?' August aske

'I tell you, he still likes her. Better forget of him, August. He will never like us' Maijune said.

'Which guy in his right mind would like a girl with DID? We are a lost case, girls' Maijune added.

'Then, he won't come and look for us? Are we really going to sleep out tonight? My bones won't survive this harsh weather, Maijune'. Mai said.

'What about me? I really wished I was back at the villa reading a romance novel' August said.

'Should I just make an aphrodisiac and make him sleep with us? That way he will take responsibility for us'.

Maijune and August looked at Mai speechlessly shaking their head at the same time.

'Is that the only thing you can think about Mai? Seriously?' Maijune asked.

'Then, what do we do? I don't want to be homeless' Mai lamented.

'You won't be homeless; we have Maijune. Right, Maijune? You won't let us sleep out nor go hungry, isn't it?'.

'Right, I will be responsible for you girls'.

A few people walked passed Maijune and looked at her weirdly as she was speaking to herself as if having a conversation with someone else.

Off course, they couldn't see Mai nor August.

'Before that, why didn't you eat before leaving? I am hungry now'. Mai shot Maijune a glare.

'Me too, Maijune, next time no matter what happens, never leave the house without food in the future. Look, now we are hungry'. August added.

Maijune stood up angrily and spoke looking at them.

'Oh, so, this is also my fault too? You girls are hungry, what about me? Am I not hungry?'. Mai and August kept quiet looking at Maijune.

Three drunk men walked towards them.

'You girls, stay here, I will go and look for food'. Maijune turned to go and the three men walked to her blocking her way.

Mai covered her nose saying 'Maijune, they are drunk and smelly'.

'I know'. Maijune said. The men sized her up lustfully saying.

'What do you know?' One of them asked.

'Little girl, are you homeless? How about you come home with us?' The other one said.

'Yes, we will take good care of you'. The last one said looking at Maijune.

'Wow, they are so disgusting'. August commented.

'I know, right?' Mai added.

Maijune looked at the men and turned to Mai and August 'let's get out of here, girls'.

Maijune turned to leave and one of the men held her hand. Maijune looked at him saying 'if you don't take that hand away, you might just lose it'.

The men laughed. 'She's got attitude. I love that'. 'do you bring that attitude to the bedroom too?'

Maijune tussled her hair impatiently and punched the man holding her hand and he fell. Maijune turned to Mai and August saying 'girls, let's run. I don't think I have the energy to fight tonight. Run!!'.

Maijune ran and Mai and August followed her. The men shouted and gave her a chase saying 'catch that bitch'.

Maijune stopped and turned back and held Mai's hand and spoke as they ran. 'Mai, you should really start doing some training'.

'I could run faster than this but, I am hungry so my energy is a little slow today. Is unfortunate, this had to happen today'. Mai said as they continued to run.

'They are catching us with us, girls. Say, Maijune, they are drunk but why do they still have so much energy to chase us?' August said.

'I know, right? They seem to have so much energy. Should I just stop and fight them?' Maijune asked.

'No, right now, you are hungry. What will we do if you're overpowered? What will happen if we're captured?' Mai asked.

'I don't even want to imagine what they will do to us. Is obvious they are mad men' August spoke.

'This is all Aaron's fault. How could he not even come out to look for us? Simply because of that Liyah Myers?' Mai frowned after speaking.

'That woman and me will never get along. She is seriously not my cup of coffee. Maijune, why did you have to even pity her? Did we ask her to mess up?' August argued.

'What was I supposed to do? She is the same situation we almost found ourselves in years ago. When Lorca made those men to abuse us, no one reached out to safe us. That was when I was born. Don't you remember? Seeing her going through something similar, my heart somehow softened'. Maijune said.

Aaron pulled over and got down from his car. He walked and searched the shops looking for Maijune. He walked down the streets towards the park while asking the people passing by showing them a picture of Maijune.

Aaron saw a girl running towards his direction and he immediately recognised her.

One of the men picked a stone and threw it ahead at Maijune. August turned and saw the stone and shouted at Maijune 'watch out Maijune, stone'.

Maijune tried to dodge and tripped on her shoelaces and fell. She was expecting to hit the cold ground when a hand held her and pulled her into an embrace.

Maijune felt the familiar cologne of the man and spoke 'Mr. Saint?'. Aaron looked at the girl's eyes and asked suspiciously 'Mai?'

Mai smiled shyly as she looked into his eyes. The three men walked to them dangling and out of breath.

Aaron stepped in front and pushed Mai behind him and spoke to the men 'I suggest you disappear right now before I make you'. The men looked at Aaron and turned away going.

Mai looked around as if searching for something and Aaron asked 'what are you looking for?' Mai pointed at where Maijune and August were standing and spoke.

'I was looking for August and Maijune. They were here just right now…? Oh, that was me all along'.

'Are you alright? How could you leave home like that? What if something happened to you?'