Sleeping arrangement 3

''Well, if you didn't trust me you wouldn't have allowed me to be here at this moment with you, right? And I'm talking too much, right? I feel that I am talking too much? What is wrong with me? I'm not usually this talkative. You won't get tired of me, right? Off course you would. Even I am tired of myself talk'' August frowned and realised she had finished unbuttoning his shirt already.

August chuckled and stood up wiping her sweaty palms on her shorts. She leaned closer and removed Aaron's hands out of the shirt one after another.

Afterwards, she saw the cuts and sighed asking ''it must have hurt a lot, right? I'm sorry, Aaron Saint. Because of me…''

''August'' Aaron called her the moment she started tracing the cuts with her hand and her hands stopped moving. She turned and looked at him.