Keep a safe distance

August and Liyah chatted till later into the night and they were both feeling sleepy.

''Right, now that you are back, how do you feel?'' Liyah asked curiously.

''Feel about what?'' August asked back.

''I mean, with Aaron Saint. Let me tell you, June tried to sleep with him''

''Huh? She did what?''

''She did a lot of crazy stuff. Wow, I really admire her guts. thanks to her, I got to go to the club again. She is really fun to be with but still, I missed my August Maijune the most''

''Tell me everything June did'' August asked Liyah.

''Well, she told me that she didn't manage to sleep with him but she made sure he had a tough time. She really went all out with him, but Aaron must really like you. he resisted all the way and didn't touch her''

August's face turned red as she thought about all the possible things June could have done to Aaron ''that girl with her nasty character. She really has no reservations whatsoever''. August murmured.