Wedding Day 2

''August Maijune, don't you have any respect for elders? How could you speak to grandma Myers that way? Apologise to Grandma Myers right now?'' Mimi Garcia voiced out after been unable to keep her thoughts to herself. She pretended to act angry but deep down within her, she was just doing an experiment. To know exactly what went on inside the mind of a rare specimen like August Maijune.

Mandy Myers was a little helpless and didn't know how to handle the situation so Mimi Garcia's outburst though untimely seemed timely for her and she raised her head high watching Maijune.

Maijune been her usual self wasn't faced by what Mimi Garcia said, she remained calmed for a while and when everyone thought she was going to apologise she raised her head saying ''family is someone who is related to us my blood? What nonsense is that? Whoever said that needs a good trashing to wake up from slumber. What a piece of dog shit saying''. Maijune cussed and looked at Mimi.