Court Subpoena 1

DID can be distressful and usually makes it troubling to function well in one or major areas of one's life and this is partly due to the gaps in the ability to recall everyday events, important people, important personal information or traumatic events.

Although not everyone experiences DID the same way, for some the 'altars' or 'different identities' have their own way of lifestyle, habits, postures, gestures, and distinct way of talking. Switching of these 'altars' could take hours to days or weeks and even months where the different personality will be control of the host body

But, DID should not be confused with bipolar disorder because they are two different things. Bipolar disorder is vastly different from DID in that bipolar patients still have all their memories intact and are conscious of their actions. They remember everything about their lives and does not experience this 'out of body' experience that DID patients go through.