Is this really over?

After the hearty meal, they all went to the hall and started to eat fruits. They chatted and ate the fruits happily and Carlos Ryan called to inform them he had returned to the hotel to rest and would visit the next day before going back with Mimi Garcia. He didn't want to waste any more time. As for meeting August Maijune, they could do that anytime. He had other pressing matters at home to take care of.

Afterwards, Old Master Saint and Old Master Martins left the youngsters to do their own stuff. Soon they were divided into groups and started playing cards. The ladies against the men. It was three against three and they played. Alice was especially good at the cards game and continuously won a lot of money for the ladies which made them happy. At the end of the game, the ladies had managed to get a million dollars from the three men. The three men felt defeated and gave up.

Liyah Myers and Leo Martins left together with Kash France afterwards.