Not a like but far from dislike 1

D-City police station.

Jade and Ever sat in front of the detective quietly. No matter how many questions they asked them, they were still quiet.

''Young ladies, don't you have guardians? Call them to come and pick you up''

''We are orphans'' Jade said indifferently.

''They are liars. They clearly told me they are friends of my boss' ex-girlfriend'' the secretary said as she sat at a distance. Jade turned and looked at her and she culled back, shutting her mouth.

''If you don't call your guardians here, you won't be able to leave this place''

''Officer, as she said, we are orphans. Considering that this is our first crime, can't you let us off?'' Ever said and looked at the officer innocently.

''What you did is wrong. How could you send a drunk man away against his will?''