Luring her in slowly 2

''I guess so. Sorry about that. I was just passing and decided to see you before I go. Is everything alright?''

''Yeah, everything is fine. How are you doing?''

''I'm doing well. How about you?''

''I'm also doing great''

''So, your mom? I just have sharp ears''

''You heard my call, right? My mom is coming to D-City next tomorrow. I don't even want to start thinking of how to deal with that. She can be a lot to handle''

''Do you need my help? You remember I said I would help you, right?''

''Yes, I think I might just need your help in dealing with her''

''Call me anytime''

''I don't have your contact. I can't believe I didn't even have your contact in the first place''

''I have yours, I will call you''

''How did you get my number?''

''Your journal, it's on the front page''

''Right, I did put my number on it''