A good man

Ronald was applying some ointment on Kristine after she went in to change. Brenda and the others rushed into the house anxiously.

''Where is that son of a bitch? I am going to beat him to a pulp today'' Brenda said looking around the hall.

''He is gone'' Mrs. Kate said and looked at them, ''sit down. The police came and sent him away''

''Kris, darling, how do you feel?'' Chloe looked at Kristine's face.

''You must have been so scared. that beast should just rot in jail'' Jenny added.

''He had the guts to come here and assault you? Whoa, is he tired of living?'' Brenda tussled her hair.

''It's alright. Thankfully, Ronald and I came in time. Kris too protected herself well'' Mrs. Kate smiled.

''What did the police say? Aunt, we have to let that man spend a lot of time in jail'' Chloe held Kristine's hand.

''Ronald said he will handle it. You girls just arrived and must be tired. Go and wash up. We will order out today''