Family drama

Kristine took turned in hugging Chloe, Jenny and Brenda as Ronald waited for her by the car.

''I'm going to miss you, Kris'' Jenny said.

''Go and knock off Lucy, okay?'' Chloe added.

''Call us when you arrive. Ronald, I am leaving my darling in your hands'' Brenda said.

''Sure, I will take care of her. Don't worry'' Ronald assured them.

''Bye, girls'' Kristine smiled and went inside the car. Ronald joined her and she waved at the others as he drove away.

''Do you think Kris will fall for him during this journey? I can't wait to hear their story later on'' Jenny was excited.

''Says the one who has been single all her life'' Brenda said and turned to go in.

''Let's make a bet, Brenda'' Jenny said and Chloe shook her head.

''Again the childish bet. What do you want to bet on this time?'' Brenda cocked her brows at her.