
''Hurry, tell me the details. How did it go at your place?'' Jenny loaded Kristine with questions as soon as she sat down to rest. The latter had just arrived and Jenny was the only one in the house as it was her off day.

''It went well. Much better than I thought'' Kristine reminisced on her days with Ronald and a smile appeared on her face.

''Whoa, you are glowing Kris. Are you perhaps in love with Ronald?''

''Mmm, I think so''

''Way to go, Kris. I am so proud of you'' Jenny smiled, genuinely happy for her friend.

''I will tell you the details when Chloe and Brenda returns. Right now, I am so dead tired'' Kristine stood up from the couch.

''Go and rest. I am going out to buy a few things. I will be back shortly'' Jenny said to her. she was about to go to the mall when Kristine arrived and she stayed back to chat with her for a little while before going.