Chloe's mistake

The first day he came to the office and saw her, he had felt that she was beautiful. He admitted he too had some kind of prejudice against her. he didn't believe someone as beautiful as her was capable of anything, he treated her harshly and always nit-picked on everything she did, but she would always fight back. If she felt that she was been mistreated, she would fight back and even demand for an apology from him. She was the first lady who really challenged him and passed all the little obstacles he placed on her way.

He began to see her in a new light. He began to study her style of work and realised they were both similar. They both thrived for perfection in their jobs. Now that he was thinking about it, he realised he wasn't any different from the men who tried to put her down today. He had only been focusing on his own feelings and ignored the fact that she was also a person with emotions, a person with a story to tell.