
Slumping into the sofa, the ladies looked at each other and started laughing as they reminisced on the act they put up at the local market.

''Did you see her face? She looked like she had just seen a ghost'' Jenny laughed and clapped her hands.

''Thank you, for having my back'' Chloe said and looked at them.

''Will you be okay, with quitting the job? I know I said you should quit it but I also know how much you love your job'' Brenda asked her.

''I really do love my job, but, I should have stopped myself before things turned out this way. I've saved a lot of money over time, I can survive on that and still be able to send my parents some allowance for some time until I get a job''

''Don't worry too much. We are all here for you. we will pitch something in together and help'' Kristine patted her thigh.

''That woman, do you think she will really try to ruin Chloe's reputation?'' Jenny asked.