Chloe's courage

''What didn't you understand? Let me explain them to you'' Collins offered.

''Maybe later, right now I am so hungry''

''Let's go over there and sit then'' he pointed at a park close by and Chloe nodded her head before going with him.

''I can't believe spring is coming so soon. When I see the flowers blossoming from the trees, they remind me of a time I used to like sitting under them back at the University''

''I used to see you sitting at the flowers pathway at school. You would always wait there for your friend each time'' Collins said making Chloe to stop in her strides. She looked up at him and squirted her eyes, the sun was blinding her eyes and she couldn't see his face well enough. But, she suddenly felt that warmth in her heart.

''Be careful'' he said and took hold of her hand, pulling her closer to himself as the bicycle owner apologised riding away.