Listen To Me

Chirp! Chirp!

Erza woke up nonchalantly.

The wonderful chirping of birds' freshen up his morning.

He had a wonderful dream where he went back 10 years ago, right before the apocalypse.

'5.09 AM'. He looked at his black Casio watch.

Out of habit, he jumped down to the floor to do push-ups.

'Hmm? Why do I feel tired after 50 consecutive push-ups?'

Heavy breathing could be heard as he gasps for air.

He then walked to the bathroom and lo and behold.

'What?! Last night wasn't a dream?'

He actually had a hard time accepting reality, that he went back in time.

Stroking his fluffy fair cheeks, he brushes his medium-long, wavy hair backward.

"Have I always looked this leathargic?"

His defining Asian features, with black hair and lack of facial hair exudes a youthful appearance.

But his eyebags and fine wrinkles under his eyes showed his age.

'Let's workout a little bit more and take a good shower.'

After a few rounds of running and simple bodyweight exercises, Erza took off his clothes and went to the showers.

Water fell down on his slightly pudgy, 168cm tall body.

'I'm just too unfit. How did I manage to survive the early days of the apocalypse?'

With a scoff, he turned off the tap and dried himself.

After changing into a new outfit, he packed up a few items and took out his car keys.

Walking out of his house, he saw a little gray hatchback.

'Hello old buddy. Never thought I'll see you again!'

He stroked the Qerodua NyVi car sentimentally.

He started the engine and drove off to the distance.

1st June 2020, 5.03 PM.

In a luxuriously decorated hotel room, five silhouettes were seen.

"Wow big bro! Your company sure is doing well!"

Feera, the second brother thought that Erza's company's extravagant spending was because of its discovery of the vaccine.

'I'll tell them later that I used all my savings and assets I sold this morning.'

After completing his workout this morning, he immediately went to the bank to cash out every single dollar he has.

In addition to selling all his stocks and bonds, he raked up to about 200,000 dollars.

Erza then handed out the in-house food menu to his family members.

"I've got a text message from the boss, our turn would be around 8 o'clock."

He then explained that they should order some early dinner, courtesy of his company.

This would be their last dinner meal to be prepared by others.

Afterward, they would have to rely on the food supplies that he has prepared!

The food orders were keyed in via a tablet prepared by the hotel.

'7-stars hotels really do things differently.'

The room that Erza booked was the top of the line.

As one of the most expensive hotels in Naresia, this room, or yet better known as a 'Royal Suite' costs him a whopping 20,000 dollars a night!

But as the customs go, he only would be charged the full amount at the end of his stay.

Which he booked for a month!

The hotel administration got really shocked and thought that they had caught a big fish.

Of course, he had to play the part first.

A top-class luxury hotel won't just accept anyone, but money speaks.

With the 200,000 dollars of cold hard cash, he went to the luxury clothes shop.

He decked himself with fashionable clothing and accessories and even rented a luxury SUV.

Upon walking into the reception, he gave a 1,000 dollars tip to 'ensure' all his requests run smoothly.

7.15 pm.

"Erza, are you sure that only immediate family members could get the vaccine shots? Perhaps you could request for your old grandfather to be included…"

Erza's mum, Mrs. Numee, had a concerned expression.

He felt guilty to lie to his mother further on this point.

"Mum, don't worry. I've called and texted Uncle Lonny to take extra care of grandpa."

In fact, he personally called every single adult in his extended family to stock up their food supplies up to 3 – 6 months, lock their doors after 7.00 pm and stay inside until he told them it is safe to go out.

Alas, some of his cousins had doubts about his words but they knew that he was working with a biomedical company, so there might have followed what he said.

'I did the best I can. I can't help everybody.'

In addition to calling up everybody he knew to warn them about the incoming crisis, he also made several videos uploaded to all of his social media platforms.

'I would wanna engage influencers...but they just don't have time for me.'

He did in fact contacted several social media influencers, but when they heard that he is not placing a product or services to be marketed, they thought it was a prank turned him down.

'Sigh, eventhough I wanted to offer them a good price..'

He shrugged at the thoughts and hope the best for them.


There were a few dishes that they couldn't finish because Erza ordered quite a lot.

They wanted to call the housekeeping to clear them, but Erza insisted to keep the food in the room's big fridge just in case they are hungry later.

"Wouldn't it be great if we could stay here a few nights, hehe! Erza, could you ask your boss?"

Erza's dad. Mr. Zayf is a retired 65-year old contractor.

His fair skin has shown wrinkles and a few signs of aging, but he is nonetheless still healthy.

"The rooms here are crazy big! Not to mention the lifts are for this occupant's use! Sigh, I wish I would have the finance to stay buddies would be jealous, haha!"

Erza's youngest brother, Rabukka, or how they call him by his nickname 'Bucky' is a 25-year-old, tanned, and plump young man.

In fact, Bucky's claim wasn't exaggerated because the whole room took up an entire floor!

The suite boasted a size of 10,000 square feet.

There were 8 bedrooms, each with its own bathrooms!

Slowly, Erza opened up the huge, 65" curved screen TV that was the latest model in the market.

"Guys, I need your attentions."

Erza clinked on his crystal cup with his silver fork.

He gulped.

"I didn't mean to lie to all of you, but there is a reason why I gathered all of us here."

All four of them sensed something is wrong.

"I know it's hard to believe, but the end of our peaceful times would end soon."

Then, second brother Feera spoke up.

"Big bro, is this about the things you said yesterday?!"

He voiced out his dissatisfaction, saying that he had planned to go out tonight with his girlfriend.

Everyone had a frown upon hearing it.

"I know what I said last night didn't make sense, but after tonight at 8, you guys can verify it for yourself."

Erza pointed at his Orange Watch Series V that he just bought today.

7.57 pm.

"Erza, you mean…this room, it's not sponsored by your company? Then who…"

Mr. Zayf, Erza's father started questioning him.

"It's all my own money. In a few moments, you will see that paper money would be rendered useless in the future."

Just when his father was about to scold his son..


The national television channel, TV1, blared in high-pitched alarm.


Bright red words appeared on the TV screen.


"Wait, what is happening-"

The moment Bucky stood up from his seat, a loud crash happened outside.

All four of Erza's family members looked outside the window.

The view from the most expensive room in a 7-stars hotel is nothing to scoff off.

From the 21st floor, they saw cars crashing into each other.

"Here, you could see what's happening outside clearer."

Erza handed out binoculars to everyone.

The city that they are in, K city, is the capital of the nation.

Dubbed as the City That Never Sleeps, bright lights shine throughout the city.

"OMG! They are attacking people!"

Feera screamed in shock.

They could see figures of humans chasing other people madly and pounce on them.

{…authorities has been dispatched to quell the riots on the streets of…}

Bucky turned on his phone and there were live videos on social media platforms reporting riots and mass panic.

Whichever channels that they switched to, every single one reported the same thing.

Feera, Mrs. Numey, Mr. Zayf, and Bucky all looked at Erza in awe.

Erza only uttered one sentence.

"Guys, stay calm and listen to me if you wanna live."