Chocolate Bar

In a black Marcedes G-Wagoon, a team of five were cruising along an empty road.

"Son, are you sure that Kara and Mark could handle those hooligans? There are twenty of them!"

Mrs. Numee was concerned, especially towards Kara.

"No worries Mom, me and Bucky made sure those Obedience Collars are quite durable."

Using the schematics he memorized from his previous life and Bucky's electronics expertise, they made their first-ever 'Obedience Collar' prototype.

They spent the whole night coming up with a design and tested it through some trial and errors.

The collars were made with leather belts.

Attached to it was a mini rectangular box, the size of a small matchbox.

Anytime the 'Master' holding the remote presses the buttons, they could induce pain through electric shock.

Before leaving the hotel to escort Sixth Uncle Yoon to the nearest army base, he gave full control of the gangsters to Big Mark and Kara.

Erza wanted to test their loyalty.

'Well, they are now Class-10 Awakened now, it shouldn't be a problem for them.'

After eliminating the Infected drawn by the gunshots yesterday, they had a whopping total of 686 Evolution Nectars!

Big Mark and Kara received their pay of 12 Evolution Nectars each.

Kara awakened her Talent 'Earth Manipulation.'

The ability allows her to control the planet's crust or the soil.

It is a versatile power, allowing her to contribute to both defense and agriculture.

During Erza's past life, she was hailed as the Earth Princess for her benevolence in protecting her people and made food production a breeze.

"But man, Big Mark sure had a cool Talent!"

He gained the 'Induration' Talent.

With just a thought, he could make his body as tough as metal.

In other words, almost all sorts of physical harm would be impervious to him.

'With both of them blessed with defense-based Talent, it's a good move to have them watch the place.'

Should any emergency arise, they could last until the main team comes back.

"Are they still trailing us?"

Mr. Zayf looked behind the car.

A white Tesla followed behind them.

"A few more kilometers, Dad. Don't worry, Bucky is also in control of Uncle Yoon's car. They're doing fine."

Sixth Uncle Yoon drove a Tesla as it produces the least sound.

It was 3.20 pm on the 9th day of the apocalypse.

The road heading to the K-City army base was devoid of Infected but littered with corpses.

In the final half of the journey, a sea of abandoned cars appeared.

'We're near.'

What's even bizarre, the corpses had their spinal cords ripped out.


The two vehicles strolled down the cleared path among the deserted automobiles.

One could see obvious tire tracks belonging to heavy war machines.

They stopped about five kilometers from the furthest checkpoint.

The military would put up a detection system at least three to four kilometers radius of every checkpoint.


"Sorry, Cousin Wei."

Bucky said with a shrug.

" we really need to do this? I just washed my hair this morning!"

They smeared dirt and splashes of blood on their faces and shirts.

They need to make sure their get-up as survivors is believable.

"Remember, look sad and lifeless!"

Erza told them that as civilians, they would be in the lowest rank.

Although the base is heavily fortified, it wasn't meant to protect them.

'It's all about the connections.'

During the start of the apocalypse, priorities will go to the leaders and their families first.

Then the military officers and their families.

Afterward, the scientists and researchers.

Skilled professionals for the restoration and maintenance of the modern world's convenience is next.

Lastly, the civilians.

One could only survive if they knew how to make themselves valuable.

'You can't bring too much food at all. It'll make you targets.'

Erza only allowed them to bring a backpack of essential items of clothing.

They can't even bring in medicines.

'Water bottles, knives, some candy bars are acceptable. Oh, pack some cigarettes and chewing gums. They're quite the luxury item in any bases, you can trade these for food or bribe the authorities.'

Erza reminded them again on how to survive in the base.

It would appear as if he's nagging them, but it was out of him caring for them.

"Keep the Evolution Nectars safe. Remember! Only use it when the army has introduced it as a currency after a week!"

He wanted them to avoid being interrogated.

It was illogical for weak civilians to get hold of an Evolution Nectars, what's more tens of them!

"Your bodies are stronger than before. Keep a low profile, act as average as possible."

Every single one of them has taken all five Evolution Nectars that he gave as gifts.

They are now 50% stronger than an average adult.

'Keep these twenty beads safely.'

Erza gave them another 20 pink pearls for them to have a head start when the currency implementation starts.

Moreover, he spray painted it with white paint to disguise them as normal pearls.

If they ever get checked, luxury accessories like gold chains and diamond rings are practically useless.

Moreover, the spray-painted Evolution Nectars looked like fake pearls that have an even lesser value.

They won't waste their breath to secure something they can't use or eat.

"You have to walk from here on. Wave the flag when you approach the checkpoint."

Erza handed his uncle a stick with a torn white cloth attached to it.

Uncle Yoon hugged Erza, silently thanking him for his very life right now.

The family said their parting words and held each other.

"Yoon, take care of big sis for me. Here, give this to Little Hong when you meet him."

Mr. Zayf took out a gold chain with the letter 'K&N' attached.

It belonged to his late brother Kuff, which was also his nephew Hong's father, who was saved by the army and possibly being brought to this very base.

The two brothers locked arms and shoulders for a few minutes, as if reluctant to part.

"Stay safe. I love you."

On a clear blue day, those very words parted two families towards separate paths...


7.46 pm.

Erza's family had safely returned to their hotel.

Clinks and clanks of their cutleries were loud and clear.

The ambiance in the dining area was somber.


They were thinking deeply about what happened during the mission to save their next relative after sending Sixth Uncle Yoon.

G-Town was just 12 kilometers from where the army base is.

Uncle Nodee stays in G-Town.

He was Mrs. Numee's younger brother.

She had ten siblings, including herself. She's the third child and the eldest sister among three sisters.

Uncle Nodee was her 8th brother.

'But since the beginning, we haven't managed to find him.'

He was one of the names that were classified under the red category.

'Confirmed deceased or no contact since the apocalypse.'

Although they have very little expectations for his survival, his death did affect their mood.

They found him and his family all bloodied in their house.

'Act of crime.'

They were killed by humans!

'Uncle Nodee, Aunt Nukkee, Little Kedor, Little Qeefa, Little Mada. I'll avenge you guys one day.'

In the future, countless humans would be Awakened as a result of the Evolution Nectar's discovery.

Some would possess combat-based Talents, but some would not.

Awakened like Bucky and Mrs. Numee are among the non-combat ones.

They would need to cooperate with those who have battle prowess for mutual benefits.

In Erza's past life, there was an Awakened who gained the 'Psychometry' ability.

The person could see and experience the events that happened in the past by touching an object related to the event.

Erza and his family buried their rotten corpses in their front yard's garden.

The grotesque image of decomposed bodies does not make them nauseous anymore.

They performed a simple funeral ceremony with an crudely made tombstones.

They only felt the loss of a beloved relative, who they spend festivities together.

All those times his uncle spent with him during Erza's childhood.

All those times her little brother being mischievous and Mrs. Numee had to bail him out of trouble.

Salty liquid dripped on the ground.

Another blood relation has left the world eternally.

'Perhaps it's for the best.'

At times, people wish they had died earlier on in the apocalypse.

Because day by day, their life was too excruciating and the sufferings never end.

"Mum, rest early. We have more missions tomorrow."

Erza held his mother's supple hands, enlivened by the miraculous effects of the Evolution Nectar.

Mr. Zayf held his wife's shoulders and soothe her silent weep.

After dinner, he distributed the Evolution Nectars harvest.

Erza told the rest to relax for the night and sleep early.

"Feera, I need your help."

With the exception of Feera. The two brothers went down to the 20th Floor.

"Mark, Kara."

Erza greeted them both.

They were patrolling the corridor to ensure the 'slaves' do not cause trouble.

"Yo, Zeta!"

"Hi Zeta."

After going through a grueling experience together, their familiarity increased.

Erza handed them five pink beads each as fees for 'supervising' the gangsters.

"How are they?"

He asked the muscular man.

"Heh, after a good half a day, they're as docile as dogs."

Big Mark felt like a drill sergeant reporting to his general.

"Which are the old man's and the woman's room?"

Erza meant Director Jing and Aqua Rose.

Unfortunately, their necks were outfitted with the Obedience Collars.

Kara pointed to their rooms.

Erza nodded.

"Thank you. You guys may rest now."

After Big Mark and Kara went into the lift, Erza and Feera walked to the gang leader's room.

Knock knock!

After a few seconds, the door opened hastily.

"H-Hello, Master!"

A sweaty, tattooed man greeted Erza with a deep bow.

Feera's eyes were wide open in disbelieve.

"Sorry to interrupt your rest. I need to discuss something with you."

Although they are his captives, it doesn't mean that Erza would start cussing or say derogatory remarks when talking with them.

'They're still human beings, after all.'

And besides, they are as obedient as a bull.

There was no need to treat them harshly.

"Yes! Anything you say, Master!"

The three of them went down to the 10th floor.

They sat inside the poolside restaurant.


The floor was dark, but the stars and moon were bright.

They lighted up a few candles for illumination.

'Can't open the lights because of the Infected.'

You're as good as dead when you lit your place during night time, in the middle of a pitch dark city.

"Krash. Can you tell me how did you end up here?"

After extracting information from him, he called out Director Jing.

Aqua Rose was next.

"...that's all I know."

The quivering but sweet voice answered.


After resources, information is the next most valuable commodity during the apocalypse.

Location of food stores, the population of an area.

All the data would serve to enhance one's survival rate.

"You can go now. Here's a reward."

He held a wrapped chocolate bar with his fingers.

Aqua Rose's eyes widened but then realized the hand who held out the chocolate was capable of killing her without her realizing it.

"I don't harm people who benefit me."

He put down the chocolate on the table.

He then stood up from his seat.

"But those who dare harm my people, I'll make sure they don't exist on this planet anymore."

He walked away casually, with Feera following behind him.

Left in the middle of the dimly lit restaurant, Aqua Rose felt a trembling chill on her back.