Chapter 5

Step by step, Autumn approached the city. A large dome-shaped barrier covered it. The light purple surface seemed thin as paper. Autumn reached out, tapping it lightly with her paw.

It shuddered slightly, only reaffirming her doubts about the barrier's defensive capabilities. Glancing around, Autumn kept a wary eye out for danger. Once she confirmed that no one was near, she stretched out her claws, swiping the barrier.

It quivered slightly, yet gave no other indications of breaking. After attacking the barrier multiple times with no result, Autumn sighed. "I guess I should find the entrance to the city..."

Shifting into her human form, Autumn lifted the hood of her black cloak to neatly cover her ears and made sure to keep her tail out of sight.

Walking slowly, she made her way around the large dome. When she finally spotted the entrance of the city, marked out by the large double doors and a never-ending line of people.

Shocked, Autumn stopped in her tracks. She murmured, "Is everyone here trying to get into the city?"

"Of course! What hole have you been living in? Don't you know that Bluestone City is the only city around these regions? It's close to the Dark Forest, which makes it easy to get rare treasures! Additionally, Bluestone City has an unpenetrable defense! Even the top adventurer group in Leafwind continent are stationed here!" An elderly lady standing in line excitedly chattered on about the city.

"The Dark Forest? Do you mean that forest over there?" Autumn pointed towards the forest she had just exited.

"Mhmm." The lady replied, taking a good look at the ignorant person in front of her. Surprised, she exclaimed, "You're a kid? Where are your parents? Are you lost?"

Stunned, Autumn hesitated before replying, "Yeah, my father is a merchant. We came to Bluestone City because of their rare resources, but I got separated from them just now. I think they may already be in the city..."

"Oh you poor thing, why don't you join me in line? If you line up at the back, it'll take days to get into the city!"

Autumn felt slightly guilty for taking advantage of and lying to the elderly lady, yet she answered, "Thank you! I really hope I can find them."

Smiling, the lady nodded. "My name is Serenity."

"Autumn," Autumn said with a curt nod.

Tilting her head, Serenity asked, "Why don't you take your hood off? It'll be easier to see." She reached out her hand, tugging Autumn's hood.

Panic filled Autumn as her hood was pulled away to reveal her face. Catching the corner of her hood, she quickly pulled it back up, praying that no one caught a glimpse of her ears.

After receiving Serinity's questioning gaze, Autumn muttered, "I don't like the color of my eyes...Please don't make me take my hood off..." Autumn lowered her head and played shy.

After hearing Autumn's explanation, Serenity's eyes softened, replying, "Why, your eyes are beautiful! Such a stunning emerald green!"

Before she could continue talking, the guards at the gate called out, "Next!"

"Oh! It's finally our turn. Come along," Serenity said cheerfully.

Nodding, Autumn stuck closely to Serenity. Peering at her suspicious attire, the guard asked, "Miss, could you lower your hood?"

Autumn shook her head, glancing around and planning the quickest way to escape in case her identity was discovered.

"Alright then..." The guard replied, only slightly cautious as plenty of people didn't like to show their faces. "I'll need your ID then."

Sucking in a breath, Autumn whispered, "My father has my ID, I got separated, but if you let me in the city I can go find him..."

"Sorry, but we can't do that..." The guard answered, beckoning a few guards to escort the girl away.

"Wait! Is it alright if someone inside the city can confirm her identity?" Serenity spoke up.

"I suppose that would work," The guard answered. "What is your father's name?" He asked.

Autumn opened her mouth, about to blurt out the first thing that came into her mind.

"Kawan. Her father's name is Kawan Reen. He's a close friend of mine." Serenity said calmly, beginning to provide information on where to find him.

After a while, the guard nodded, "Alright, go on through."

Autumn breathed a sigh of relief and walked through the looming city gates with Serenity.

"Thank y-" Autumn began.

"No need to thank me little lady. I just hope that whatever you have to do here isn't going to harm anyone."

Autumn nodded. Snatching a few things here and there wouldn't harm anyone, and just in case, she would only take what was in abundance. "I promise I won't hurt anyone," She said.

With a satisfied smile, Serenity walked off into the bustling marketplace.