Chapter 1: Darkness falls

A few days go there was a man with his happy family they wanted to experience something new so they packed up and moved to this mansion that was part of a small but happy town that something new happened every day one day the man and his new friend the town sheriff was off on a quest to check out the house that had rumors about it, saying that the man named Neo once lived in the house took his own life out of anger and envy because he's been lied to his whole life so out of anger and envy for others he put a gun to his head and shot himself, they say that his ghost is still inside the house and he wait for a victim comes to strike them after the man known as Travis McCormick came from his journey with his friend sheriff Boris he seemed off he didn't seem like himself he kept secrets then one day he took the life of his wife, twin children, and his baby daughter, the reason he did that was because Neo was the one toying with Travis and wanted more power so he preformed the ritual and soon enough the ritual was complete but that wasn't enough souls so Travis tried to take Boris's life but Boris managed to get away, meanwhile Travis and Neo where trapped in time with the rest of the town, the only way Boris can help to free his town and Travis was to find help and that's where me, my friends, and others where invited to help the town and free the town and Travis from Neo and the darkness he brought with him one thing we didn't know was that we where going to put our selfs in danger that's what I found out.