The Quest (1)

When Alex came to he was no longer at the bottom of the cliff inside the beast pen. Instead, he was now lying in what seemed to be a wooden hut with a straw roof. Alex felt a slight headache and bodily pain for some reason as he sat up. Looking around he saw that the hut was quite bare with only the mat that Alex was laying on.

Getting up Alex sees that his shirt is gone but he was still wearing his pants and shoes. As Alex was getting up from the floor someone came into the hut. It was a native of Eve before the destruction of the sun that much was evident to Alex since he had only seen the images of what they would have looked like in history books that he taught. The person who came into the hut was the same woman who brought him. She was a human with tanned skin, blonde hair, decent height, and good proportions. She wore some leather clothing on her lower body and animal furs to cover her top half she also wore some seashell earnings. The only unique feature were her eyes as they were a golden yellow color that seemed to glisten on their own.

"Oh, et lato ralma yeta?" She says as she walks towards him

Alex was confused at what she was saying since he did not understand the native language of Eve since most remnants were destroyed or buried somewhere on the planet. Only archeologists would probably have an idea of what they were saying since they would analyze the stuff whenever found and put it into the archives on Eve. Of course, there was no universal language in the universe but translators were something that almost everyone had if you could afford it. Alex had one in fact it was the phone that he put onto the ground in the convenience store before he died.

"Um me no understand you," Alex says slowly as the last tilts her head to the side in confusion

"Oh, unta motatra," She says as she leaves the hut



The player has received a unique life quest that needs to be completed. The quest can be viewed in the quest tab


Confused Alex looks around and sees that there is indeed a quest tab that he can click on right next to the Character tab. Alex reaches out to click on the tab but before he can the lady returns while dragging in an old man. The man wore a robe that was dyed red that went down the length of his body and it kinda dragged in the dirt. He was hunching forward and used a broken branch as a cane to support himself. There was a bone necklace that he wore around his neck which used various small bones from what seemed to be multiple animals.

The man squinted to look at Alex a bit before shaking off the grasp of the lady and walking towards him. The man reaches out his hand towards Alex and grasps his hand firmly. Confused Alex does not know what else to do but lets the old man do what he wishes. However, a few moments pass and Alex feels something probing his mind.

'Can you understand me?' A voice says

Startled Alex looks around and sees that the old man is concentrating extremely hard on something as he now has his eyes closed.

"Um... I can understand you" Alex says out loud

'Not there in here' The voice replies

'Um well yes, I can understand you now'

'Good. Now I am not as young as I used to be so I can't hold this that long'

'What are you trying to do?'

'Hold on a second I am going to try something so don't resist, please' The voice says as the old man starts to concentrate even harder than Alex begins to be worried that he might hurt himself.

Soon Alex feels something once more probe his mind as the old man struggles to do something. Relying on the voice was a risk but Alex did not feel any sort of malice or ill will coming from the thing that probed his mind so Alex let it enter his mind. As he accepts it the old man's troubled and concentrated expression fade as an influx of information and knowledge floods into Alex's mind.

The information is too much to process at once that he starts to feel a massive headache coming on as he tries to digest whatever he can. Soon enough the headache subsides and the old man withdrawals his hand from Alex.

"There can you understand me now?" The old man says

"U-uh yes what exactly did you do to me?" Alex asks as he is dumbfounded at how he could understand the man now

"Nothing much I just imparted the information and language of my people onto you," The man says as he backs up from Alex

"But how did you do it?"

"I am gifted blessed by the all-father with the ability to peer into the minds of others and to bestow upon them knowledge"

"Did you peer into my mind"

"No, I did not. Everyone deserves their privacy and I don't want any bad rumors about me abusing the gift I was granted"

"Well thank you Alex says as he quickly gets up and bows to the man"

"Now then we both have questions but now is not the time for that. Sheila here will introduce you around the village in a bit"

Alex nods his head in understanding as he old ma. leaves the hut. Sheila walks up to Alex and looks him up and down.

"You are a strange one?" She comments

"Um thanks, I guess..."

"Come with me I will do as the elder said and show you around the village"

She opens the hut flap letting some sunlight enter the hut. They both exit and he is slightly surprised by what he saw. Alex and Shelia were standing in front of a hut that was visibly set off from the village.

The village was about half a mile to the hut that Alex was at right now. All the huts were made of the same materials from what Alex could see which was not really good since they were made out of dry flammable materials. There seemed to be twenty so huts that were arranged in a circle surrounding something that Alex could not see from here.

Alex could see people working at a distance doing all sorts of various tasks under the afternoon sun. Walking through the village Alex drew a lot of attention from people to him. I mean he was wearing Jeans, seemed to be the only person in the village with brown hair and blue eyes, and he was not as fit as the other people in the village. Yes, Alex was a bit flabby in the muscle department.

As Alex was entering the village he began to see what the huts in the village encompassed, it was a mass of rocks that looked vaguely humanoid but there were no defining features and in all honesty, it looked like the world's worst architecture decided to make this hunk of metal. Now that did not stop the local populace from bowing down and giving offerings to the statue as they passed by.

"That is our god Arthal the one who made this world" Shelia explains as she bows towards the statue

Alex just nods at her and just stares at the lump of metal for a bit. He can't help but shake the feeling that something is off about the statue for some reason. Putting it at the back of his mind Alex just continues on the tour with Sheila. The village was primitive, to say the least as they had yet to build bows and arrows to hunt, so they often had to chase down their prey and beat it to death with their stone weapons. The tour consisted of a walk of the animal breeding grounds, a bit of the surrounding area, and finally the house of the old man which was sitting on a small incline so that it overlooked the rest of the village.

Walking around a few children started to follow behind Alex as they had never seen a non-tanned person before, so they follow behind at a distance in a small group. Alex pays little attention to them since it is just the curiosity of the youth. He is more focused on the surrounding area as he tries to at least guess where and when he is. Now Alex knows that he went back in time to a point in which planet Eve still had a real sun giving life to the planet, but as for the specific time in which he was in would be for the best to know since he does not want to see the sun go supernova the next day for some reason.

Still looking up at the sun a few times there were no telltale signs that the sun was gonna do anything. So Alex to comfort that he would be able to at least live until tomorrow. As Alex was deep in thought Sheila continued to lead him around the village.

When they are done they end up back at the weird metal statue. Everyone in the village was there now and they were preparing for a meal as they took out wooden bowls, mats, and hides to sit on as a big fire was being built in front of the statue. The children were playing together a bit off from the adults as everything was set up. Soon everything is set up and the old man gestures for Alex to sit next to him and Sheila sits next to Alex. Once everyone has sat down the old man stands up.

"Everyone as I am sure that you have already noticed we have a guest here in our village" He gestures to Alex next to him

"Now he will be staying here for a few days before he leaves or if he decides to stay we shall allow him to. But for now, show him some hospitality as he was injured recently and will require some time to recover. Now that it is over let us enjoy the meal prepared by our brave hunters"

The old man sits down as some burly men come forward bringing forth the meat of a four-legged animal on a long stick. The animal had already been skinned and most of the unedible parts looked as if they had been cut away as they hoisted it above the fire which was now blazing and roasting it on a spit. Soon enough the first animal is cooked and taken off the spit and given to some women who were cutting the meat up and distributing it into the bowls of others. The elder and Alex got their share first before the others to show their hospitality.

Alex gladly accepts the meat since he has not eaten anything in quite a long time. The people of the village ate their fill with some having seconds of the meager amount of meat that was left from the animals. After the meal, everyone put down their bowls and bowls towards the statue before leaving to go to their own huts. Seeing this Alex realizes that he does not know where he will be staying so after asking the elder he is told that he can stay at the hut that he woke up in after his jump off the cliff.

Entering the hut Alex is glad to know that he will probably not be disturbed for the remainder of the night as he wants to see what in the world this system was and how to utilize it to the best of his abilities.

Opening up the system he sees a mailbox with a red dot in its corner in the top right corner in the systems menu. Looking at the system's main menu it just showed Alex's stats a movable image of a figure that matched himself. With the same information about himself being displayed before him.


Name: Alex Rodric

Race: Human (Non-Variant)

System Version: 8.9.1 Free Version

Level: 1

Experience: 0

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

Health: 20/20

Stamina: 10/10

Power: 0 (lvl. 0)

Stats: Strength 10, Endurance 13, Luck -100, Intelligence 23, Charisma 1, Mysticism 0

Stat points: 0

Skills: None

Equipment: None

Rank: A (normal person)

Congrats player you can now hold your own in a bar fight against 5 grown men


Looking at this Alex also sees that there are multiple tabs that he can click on can lead to different items of the system. There were a few tabs that were not available for Alex to click on as they were grayed out. The ones that were available for Alex to click on were Character, Missions, Rewards, and Mail which was not that many. Remembering that Alex got a mission from the system Alex clicks on the tab and after a few seconds of reading he is dumbfounded at what he is seeing.