Coma (1)

Just as she lost all hope of leaving Anna saw a car approaching where Leo and she were lying beside each other. Leo who wasn't breathing which she knew is already gone just like their mom and dad.


Inside a Rolls-Royce phantom was a man sitting at the back working with his laptop dressed in an expensive grey suit.

Xander who was working in peace with his laptop was disturbed when he realize that the car had stopped moving and ask the driver why he stopped. "what's wrong? why did you stop?" Xander asks his assistant.

Assisted Josh who was scarred because he knew that his boss hates interruption while working and decide to answer him quickly before he gets fired." Boss, they are two people lying on the ground and it seems like it's a little boy and a girl, and also they seem to be injured as well."

Xander whose face was filled with anger and annoyance because of being disturbed soften after hearing that they were injured and asked assistant Josh to get down and help them. Xander's assistant immediately obeys his boss's order and gets down to check on the lifeless Leo and injured Anna. assistant Josh started checking Leo who he realizes is already lifeless and moved ahead to check on Anna whose face he couldn't see clearly due to the blood on her face. her face is covered with both hers and Leo's blood which was in her hand that she used to wipe her tears. assistant Josh realizes the girl is shot twice in her back, but still has some pulse. Xander's assistant immediately started running to inform his boss of the scene he had just witnessed.

Xander who saw his assistant coming back couldn't help but ask him what had happened. "what's wrong? where are they?" assistant Josh who was still busy panting because of the running did manage to answer his boss's question.

"Boss they are two people." those were the only words assistant Josh manage to answer his boss while breathing heavenly.

Xander who was annoyed by the slow way his assistant was answering him couldn't help but give him a deadly glare and asked "What?" assistant Josh started walking again toward his boss after the fierce stare he received.

"Bo-boss they are..."

"They are what?" Xander cut his assistant off and he continues talking again "they are okay right? is that the reason why you are back?"

"No boss!"

"Then why are you back without helping them out first?" annoyed Xander asked his assistant.

"Well boss one of them is injured and we have to take her to the hospital right away or she will not be able to make it." assistant Josh tells his boss.

Xander immediately left the car after hearing what his assistant said.

"Let's go bring them inside the car so that we can take them to the hospital... come on quick Josh."

"Yes boss!" assistant Josh answered Xander.

After arriving where Anna and Leo were lying on the ground, Xander quickly carried Leo in his arms without knowing that he is lifeless and lay him inside the car. he turned and came back to carry Anna as well.

After carrying both Leo and Anna to the car, he and assistant Josh moved to both the front and driver's seat, and assistant Josh turned on the car engine Xander only said three words "To city hospital." after hearing what his boss just said assistant Josh step his foot into the brake and drove to the city hospital.

After arriving at the hospital Cancer quickly carried Anna in his arms to the hospital while assistant Josh carried Leo in his arms to the hospital as well.

the hospital doctor saw Xander carrying Anna inside the hospital with assistant Josh following him behind with Leo and quickly came along with a stretcher and some nurses to help them. after the nurse took both Leo and Anna from Xander and his assistant's arms the doctor ask what happened to them "What happened to them?" Xander now answered the doctor, ''My assistant and I were on our way somewhere when we saw them lying on the street and both of them were short as well. "

After listening to Xander's explanation, the doctor left for the operation theater. the nurse that carried Leo in told him that he has no pulse anymore "doc this boy has no pulse." and the doctor now asked her about Anna, "how about the girl, is she alive?"

"Yes she is doc but if she is not operated on right away she will not make it and even if she does, she will surely slip into a coma for a very long time, because she has lost a lot of blood already before she was brought."

" OK let's begin with her operation and take the boy's body to the morgue." the doctor said.

And Just like that Leo's body was taken to the morgue while Anna was been operated on and her chances of survival were less than fifty percent because she lost a lot of blood.


Outside the operation theater

Assistant Josh who kept wondering outside the operation theater door couldn't help but ask his boss whether or not he thinks Anna will be able to make it "Boss do you think she will make it?" because am sure she must have lost too much of blood."

Xander who heard his assistant's question also couldn't help but ask him why he said she was alone instead of saying they when they are two.

"Why do you say she alone? aren't they two?"

that was when assistant Josh realized that his boss doesn't know that Leo has already stopped breathing when they brought them to the hospital.

"Well, boss you see the boy has already stopped breathing before they we brought here earlier".

Xander who was seating in the hospital seat said: "Why didn't you tell me this earlier Josh?"

"Sorry boss!" does where the two words. that came out of assistant Josh's mouth.