Vivian’s Condition Is Bad

Whether he likes it or not they have to hear this, they are the girls parent and they have the right to know what's going on with their daughter.

Doctor Vince sighed. how he wishes he can cure this innocent girl but he can't not only him alone the best have tried and give it their all as well but destiny still runs. no one can ever change once destiny because it seems the girl is not destined to leave and enjoy what it is to be alive and well. all she has ever been in has always been endless pain no matter the amount of medication she is given, the pain only she knows how it feels can never be taken away, it can only lessened it and no more.

The poor girl, her pain a endless full of different types every singles moment she continues to breathe, and now it seems God wants to take all the pain away from her for good. for ever and ever for her to have the peace she deserves.

"You are back!" Mrs. Swift uttered immediately when she saw Mr. Swift enter Vivian's hospital room.

"Hmm". Mr. Swift responds to her after taking a deep breath.

Looking at her husband who sat beside her after planting a kiss on their daughter's head Mrs. Swift asked ."So what did the doctor say?".

Mrs. Swift turned to look at his wife after hearing her question.

"Liz". Mr. Swift called his wife's name. and Mrs. Swift moved more closer to her husband after hearing him call her.

"Yes, what is it". Replied Mrs. Swift while looking up at her husband's face.

"I need to tell you something". Said Mr. Swift after hearing his wife's response".

"Of course, we need to talk, I mean you just came back from speaking to doctor Vince regarding Vivian's condition and you are not saying anything to me". Impatient Mrs. Swift said.

Mr. Swift took his wife's hands in his and starts speaking. "Please listen to me carefully and also please try to control yourself while I tell you so that Vivian won't wake up to see how devastated you look. Because know you will be devastated when I tell you this. Also please put in mind that we will get through this together just like we started when we found out about Viv's condition".

Mrs. Swift nodded at her husband after listening to him. She knows whatever doctor Vince told him about Vivian's condition was not something good since he said she would be devastated after hearing what the doctor said.

Okay... yo-you can start now am ready to listen". Said Mrs. Swift after taking a deep breath while smiling and squeezing their intertwined hands.

Mr. Swift whose eyes hadn't left his wife's face since he took her hands in his earlier knew was an encouragement for him to speak and to know that she is listen to whatever doctor Vince told him about Vivian's condition.

Mr. Swift exhales while still looking deeply at his wife's hazel eyes and start speaking. "Doctor Vince said Viv doesn't have much time anymore Liz, am so sorry I couldn't save our only despite all the wealth I have. Please forgive me!" Mr. Swift said in one go looking at his wife with pleading eyes.

Mrs. Swift who thought she was ready was to listen to everything the doctor said and realize she wasn't and she is well aware of the fact that she has to be strong and not break down right now for both her husband and daughter so she can be able to spend Vivian's remain days or hours with her in good spirit. and for their daughter to not see her devastated and shattered the way both she and her father are now, and her husband who is blaming himself for not being able to save their daughter despite all the wealth he has.

"Why are you blaming yourself? Huh, tell me why?" Mrs. Swift said to her husband and she continues after taking a long deep breath. "Who better than me know how much you tried and suffered all this time we were dealing with Viv's condition was there with you all the time when we were traveling to a different place to different regarding Vivian's condition. so please don't blame yourself for anything because you were a good and the best father to Viv since she was born till now Edwin.

Mr. Swift felt so ashamed of himself after listening to all his wife said. I mean who was telling her to please be calm and not break down when he tell he what doctor Vince told him, it was him but she turn out to be the strongest among the two of them.

When he is even the man here. His wife is just the best and the strongest woman he knew. He says this because of how they thrive from poor to the wealthy they are now when they both grow up in the same orphanage and how she has always been by his side supporting him and telling him not to give up when things got tough in his business and were always the best at managing their household no matter how little they have.

"And besides we know this was going to happen sooner or later whether we like it or not Edwin... What we need to do right now is to be in our best spirit and spend the remaining days or hours that Viv has left to the fullest with her. Ok, Edwin so please stop blaming yourself for not being able to save our Vivian despite all the wealth we have". Mrs. Swift said to her husband while smiling at him.

"Hmm! you are right and we will do just as you say''. Mr. Swift said to his wife while smiling back at her.

The Smith couple hugged each other and turn to look at their Daughter who they thought was sleeping in her hospital bed.