The Best Parent Ever

Speaking of no one having ever been able to escape their destiny, Vivian realizes that if she leaves her parents now, no one will take care of them and look after them when she is not around and also when they both grow old with white hair. Her parents, her poor mother, will be lonely without her, even though her father will be here with her.

And earlier, when she was thinking about that girl Nurse Stacy talked to them about, that girl still has no one who has come looking for her yet, and also, Nurse Stacy mentioned that there was no police report file about them for anything either, and the girl most probably is of her age, Vivian thought to herself.

Oh! My goodness, she finally knows what to do so that her parents won't be alone when she is gone and no longer with them.

Yes, this idea is the perfect idea ever. She will try to talk to her parents about it and get them to agree with it no matter what.

Mom, dad, will you both please do something for me?" Vivian said 

She knows she doesn't have much time anymore, so the sooner she talks to them, the better.

Yes, of course, dear, what it is." Her mother was the first to ask.

Then followed her father, who also said Yes, dear, tell us what you want us to do for you; we will do anything that you want us to." Mr. Swift said.

Vivian was happy after hearing their response and finally speaking.

Remember, you two said anything I wanted, so you both should not be allowed to say no to me at all. Unless you don't want to make me happy, and you both very well know that I don't have much time anymore, right?"

Yes, dear, we do, and that's why we say anything you want—we will do it for you." Her mother said

Hmm, so tell us what it is that you want us to do for you, dear." Her father asked her.

Taking a deep breath Vivian, who knows very well that it won't be easy for her parents to agree to her crazy request, also knows that if she wants them to have company and for someone to be with them, then she will do this no matter what.

And she finally speaks. "That girl nurse Stacy told us about was in an accident with her brother, the one who no one has come looking for, and also no reports were lodged at the police station declaring them missing or something either."

Vivian stopped after saying this, and her father asked. "Yes! That girl, what about her?"

Yes, dear, what about that girl? And how is she related to what you want us to do for you?" Mrs. Swift also asked.

"i-i want..." Vivian stopped and realized that she should stop stammering and say what she wants to, or else if her parents see her and realize that she has turned into a stammer all of a sudden while saying it, they will not agree with her and will also think she doesn't know what she is talking about. And when she clearly knows

Vivian starts saying what she was saying earlier all over again. "I want the both of you, dad and mom, to take care of her if she survives and makes it out of this hospital, and if no one comes looking for her, and if she is not yet up to eighteen years old, then you guys will promise me that you both will contact the child protection services center and do the necessary paper work to adopt her. Please! And remember, you promised to do anything I asked of you both." Vivian said it all in one go, not leaving her parents any opportunity to say no to her.

But still, that didn't stop Mr. Swift from saying "Dear look, what if her family members come for her?"

''Dad, look, that's why I said if no one comes looking for her and if she is a miner, then you both will do it the legal way, and also, didn't you earlier say that no one knows what happened to her and her brother except her? And if she wakes up, you guys will ask about her story of what happened to her and who she is. Were her family there? And if she doesn't have anyone, then the both of you will be there for her. Because if she doesn't have anyone, she will need someone to take care of her. So please don't say no until you do all this first."

Vivian said this to both her parents.

Mr. Swift, who realizes that Vivian was really serious and really wants to help that girl, knows he has to agree, or Vivian will really be hurt if they say no to her, and he doesn't want her to leave them like that. Hurt by the fact they couldn't do what she wanted them to do for her for the last time

"But why do you insist on helping this girl, dear?" Her mother couldn't help but ask.

"Mom, if you guys agree to do this for me, then I will be very happy and will be doing two good things: the first one is that girl will have a home and a family if she stays with both of you two, and the second one is that I won't have to worry and will leave in peace because someone will be with both of you guys and the two of you won't be left alone nor be lonely when I am gone." Vivian explained her reasons for asking her parents to do what she asked of them.

"So tell me, will you both do what I want you to for me? Please!" Vivian asked her parents while crying.

"Of course, dear, anything for you." Her father was the first to say

Then her mother

Yes, dear, we will; I promise we will do it for you," her mother also said.

They both move closer to their daughter and hug her. The Swift family once again cried while hugging each other.

And in between their hugs, Mr. Swift said, "We are very proud of you, dear."

And Mrs. Swift added, "Yes, we are very proud and are lucky you are our daughter, and we wish for you to be our daughter if there is a next life, and in many more if there is."

Smiling after hearing her parents words, Vivian said, "You know, mom and dad, if there is an explanation for my behavior and how I am today, then it's HOW YOU BOTH RAISE ME DESPITE ALL THE UPS AND DOWNS OF MY HEALTH, YOU GUYS, YOU ARE THE BEST PARENTS EVER, AND I LOVE YOU BOTH SOOO MUCH." Vivian said it out loud at the end for the whole world to hear: Her parents are the best.

Remember, we love you very much, dear." Both her parents spoke to her in unison.

"And I love you both more." Was Vivian's reply to her parents, and they both laughed and cried tears of joy and sadness at her leaving them at the same time.

"And you guys aren't allowed to forget me, OK, do you hear me?" Vivian said and emphasized her last word.

Dear, we can never forget you." Her mother says

Yes, dear, we can never forget you no matter what, OK?" Her father added to what her mother said.

Hmm, I am happy to hear that." Was Vivian's smile while smiling.

Doctor Vince, who came back after checking on the patient who was in room number 12, Who is also the same person Vivian was talking about. With Nurse Stacy beside him, he overheard the Swift family's conversation and was very surprised at how wholehearted Vivian was. He couldn't help but smile at the lovely family duo, and a tear dropped from the corner of his eye. He mumbled, looking up. 'WHY GOD? Why DO YOU WANT TO SEPARATE THIS family? They DESERVE TO BE happy; THEY REALLY DO.'

Nurse Stacy, who was with Doctor Vince and watching the Swift family, also couldn't stop herself from crying when she saw the lovely family.