Harvey came and looked over Parker. He said he is fine give him a few days rest,and he will be good as new. Iris thanks him before he left. Iris sat next to Parker letting him rest his head on her lap. "I lost yet you still show affection towards me. Why do you still want me?" he asked gently caressing her cheek "Parker I know you tried to get her back. You have shown me more love than anyone ever has. You so sweet and brave I trust you. I may not have known you very long, but what I do know is how good of a man you really are." she said placing her hand on his. Her tears sliding down her cheeks. She remembered what one of the village women said. 'A male will do anything for a female that offers him children.' she smiled at the thought. "Parker do you think you can sit up?" she asked nervously. He curious dose as she asks. He watches her carefully with worry. "Parker I will have your cubs, if you can git my sister back safely." when those words left her mouth, He was so over joyed that he tackled her nuzzling her chest. He looked up at her before kissing her. "Ok I will do what I can. My mother should be able to look after you while I go." he said nuzzling her. "you need to heal first give it a couple days before you head out. I don't want to lose you." she said holding him tight to her. a smell caught his attention "Iris you smell so good." In that moment Iris felt a pool between her legs. she was bleeding her period started. "you started your cycle lets take advantage of it." he said before she could ask what he ment, Iris was on her back. Parker looked down at her with pleading eyes. she wanted to say no but she also wanted to save her sister. "Ok you can mark me." she said pulling him into a kiss.