Iris pov

Parker and Curtis got the traps from the river. While I sat and weaved my basket for the cubs. Bai had her head on my lap looking up at the clouds. "Iris does it hurt having cubs?" She asked giving me innocent eyes. I smile and boop her with my half way done basket. she giggles catching Curtis attention. He honestly was not a bad guy. I can see how much he loves my sister. I just don't see why she doesn't take to him already. "Female thats some talent you got there. what are you going to do with all that fish?" it was the bare from yesterday. "I will cook and eat them." I said with a closed eye smile. "Your male is lucky having a smart and beautiful female. I wish I was your male bet we would have fun." he said sitting down. "I'm Andrew from the bare clan." I smile at him poor guy. "I am Iris please before my Male sees you. you should go I am pregnant with his cubs. I don't want to see you get hurt." I said patting my slightly swollen belly. He placed his hand on my belly and Parker sent him flying. "LEAVE MY WOMAN ALONE!" He growled Curtis came to me and Bai. He helped us to our feet. Like I said before he is not a bad guy. He is actually sweet when you get to know him. I walk to the Andrew. He looks down and away. "Are you ok Andrew? Please for your safety stop chasing me. I am sure a female will be lucky to have you." I said before walking with Parker. Curtis carried the fish and Bai sat on his tail. She seemed to have changed for the better. Well lets hope it stays that way. When we got home I noticed we were out of sault. "Parker we need to go to the market." I said standing by the door. I look at Curtis and Bai. "You can come too I don't mind." Parker switched to his Leppard form to carry me. "you should not be on your feet for to long." He said walking while in the market we see females on the backs of Tigers. Parker gets excited and tells us about the exchange. we followed the crowd and see a stage.All the beast kings stood. The one that looks like a small old man with a growing  Bald spot on the top of his head. While he was talking a giant white tiger got on stage. Parker said that tiger is Winston. He is a four  marked beastmen that no female wants. He said because he is so ugly due to the scar on his face. "That's not right to say at all." I said glaring at him. I look to the stage a female denied him. he was not a bad looking male. "WAIT!" I yelled catching everyone's attention including Winston's. "Curtis help me on the stage please." confused but does so. I walk towards Winston. He stiffened up as I stopped infront of him. The crowd started  to whisper about me and Winston. I smile up at him resting my palm on his cheek. He started to blush leaning into my hand. "I may not be able to give you a litter right away. The cubs I carry are spoken for, but my next litter will be yours." He looked shocked trembling. "Female are you saying you want me to be one of your males?" tears slide down his cheek. "I kiss him infront of everyone he kiss back gently holding me. "Yeah Winston got a good one!" Males cheer in the crowd. I know Parker is not happy about this. I just felt bad that no one wanted him. He isn't ugly intact it's the opposite. We pull apart smiling to one another. "Lets get off the stage so they can have fun." Winston said before shifting into his Tiger form. He lays down so I can get on. When I was on and comfortable he stood up and walked off the stage. Parker joined us in the crowd as I guess it he was mad.