The rain has slowed so it was ok to head out. When we reached the house Winston put me behind him. "the snake is here and I smell your sister's blood." My eyes widened thinking of the many reasons. I rush in without thinking of my safety. I find Curtis sitting with Shu and Parker. Curtis stood up looking at me sad. "She wants to kill you Iris. She is trying to gather people to help her. Parker and Shu already got in contact with their clans. She won't be welcomed in spitting distance. I am sorry for the pain she caused you. I only ment that vile of venom to protect her nothing more." Winston pulled me to his side Glaring at Curtis. "Why is her sister's blood on you?" His tone was dark. I place my hand over his chest to try and calm him. "The spousal agreement between Bai and myself has been canceled." I gasp knowing what that ment. "I am sorry she did this to you." I said walking to Curtis who holds me. "It's not what you think." He explained how his clan the men are the only ones to cancel the agreement. I look him in the eyes my hand rests on his cheek. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked not wanting to beat around the boosh anymore. "I want to be one of your Males. " He said kissing the palm of my hand. "I fear you need more Tera marked beastmen. My guess is if she cant find help here she will go elsewhere. " I look at him and nod "Alright I'll take you on as one of my males." I said feeling that it's the only option. My door swung open "Aunt Iris it's your sister she has gone mad!" I sigh as the distressed Rosa ran in. "Come on sit down you need to calm yourself." I said gently taking her in my arms. She was shaking and to be honest I think I prefer the head strong Rosa. She told me how Bai came to her and tried to get her help. She said she ran off with a female from the wolf clan into the woods. "I fear she will go after the ferals out there and bring them here." She said crying in my chest. I look up at my males who looked worried. "I already lost one cub to this psychopath. I think it would be forgivin if I killed her. After all people would see it as me taking vengeance for my cub. I want her found and brought to me. Rosa can you spare a few of your Males." I said taking her face in my hands. "If we don't act now....She will kill anyone no matter who they are. It's clear she is not above killing children." I said wipping her tears with my thumbs. She nods and gets her strongest Males to join the hunting party. I Kiss Parker pressing my forehead to his. My right hand on the back of his neck. "Be safe come back to me." I said before they all left. Alright Bai it's your move.