Iris pov

I walked to Parker's room. He was doing better he just wasn't one hundred percent yet. the poison was weak so it could have gone a lot worse. "Iris honey whats wrong?" He asked as I sat on his bed beside him. "I'm about to do something horrible. I know she did it to me but two wrongs don't make a right. Yeah sure her debt to me will be repaid but." He took my hand in his. "But you don't want to be like her. The fact that you feel conflicted about this proves you aren't anything like her. You are better in so many ways. Whatever you choose to do, I am behind you my love." His warm smile was enough to make things clear. I didn't want to do this I had to do this. I thought walking down the cold stone steps as My males and the kings waited around my sisters cell. They bow their heads to me as I walk by. I make it to Bai cell she kneeling on some straw glaring at me. "Hello sister" I said sitting on Curtis's tail. "So judgment day has finally come. What are you going to do to me whoring bitch. I bet you are sleeping with the kings thats why you have more freedom. " she laughed oh I may enjoy this more than I thought. "Unlike you I don't need to spread my legs to get what I want. Bai I am willing to give you one final chance here. All you need to do is apologize to me." I said giving her an opportunity to redeem herself. That was till she spit at me causing the males to growl. I wiped my face and shake my head. "Bai remember I gave you a chance. You only have yourself to blame for what comes next. Bring me the eggs." She looked at me horror filled eyes. "What are you going to do?" She was nervous as I picked one up. I smile at her sweetly crushing the egg in my hand. She lungs against the cell bars reaching for me. Her screams of horror filling the room. Curtis hissed at her making her tremble. "Bai come on just apologize your children's lives are not worth your pride. They should come first." I said trying to reason with her. "GO TO HELL!" she yelled I crush three more eggs. My right hand covered in slimy yellow yoak. Tears stream down her cheeks begging me to stop. "Why should I you didn't my cub is dead because of you. I almost lost one of my partners because of you. This is a small price,after all you don't really care about these eggs. We all know your not above killing children. the pain you feel pails in comparison to mine." I said crushing another egg. "I'M SORRY IRIS!" she yelled on her knees now crying. "I'm sorry so sorry." she whispered my eyes narrow. "Your sorry for what?" I asked crushing another egg. She trembles hearing the sound. "I am sorry for killing your cub. " she whispered I crush another egg "And what else. " I said with a dark tone to my voice. "and for almost killing Parker." she was now a crying shaking mess. I walked over to her. she looked up at me. The fear and hurt clear in her eyes. I kneel down taking my right hand smearing the yoaks of the eggs on her face. "An eye for an eye dear sister." I said before hands the eggs to the Ape king. "Do as you wish with them. I don't think she will try anything. I mean look at her." I said knowing what I just did was cruel but necessary.