Aron was watching Meadow and Arrow when his father sat next to him. "Son you know if you don't say something, She will never know." Parker said placing his hand on Aron shoulder. "Dad mom fell in love with you instantly. I see the way Meadow looks at Arrow. It's the same look mom gives you. Sure mom loves Shu and Winston but she only gives you that look." Aron said looking at his father unsure what to do. "Son your mother went threw hell with her parents and your aunt. Your mother can't get over the loss of your brother. It still hurts me but I can only imagine what it does to her. She loves you never question that. Its just there was four of you in our first litter." Aron looks up at his father and for the first time sees him in tears. "If I could go back in time I would for your brother." He said standing up. "Aron everyday is a gift don't waste it by being quiet. If you love that girl then go get her. I have faith in you even if you don't in yourself." Aron watched his father walk in the house. A moment of hesitation set in before he said fuck it.

Meadow pov

Arrow and I were in the field picking flowers. He would chace me a bit playing. He got me in his arms holding me tightly to him. Our lips were about to meet when Aron came over. "Meadow I want to be your male too." My eyes widened hearing him. "Aron we are siblings. Don't you think thats a bit wrong?" I said looking at him. "No we only share the same mother. the animal tribe we are from is different. It would not be as unusual as you think. I want to be your Male Meadow. I see you as a female not my sister." He said looking at me with pleading eyes. "Aron I....."