I was only taking a few minutes to rest my eyes so that I could think of another design for men's clothes. But did not expect some company that it would cause lump on forehead.

It was really hurt that I almost cried a little bit. I hope it was not serious. When we were in Infirmary the nurse gave both of us cold compress for our forehead.

We were excuse for our last subject and we were in the same class. I did not expect that all my classes were with him.

After an hour, the nurse told us to go home and continue to apply the cold compress method. We walked towards the parking area in silent. I stopped in my car.

"Look, I am sorry really." Eian apologized to me again.

"It's okay, Eian. I know it was just an accident." I said facing him. "Tomorrow it will be okay." I gave him a small smile.

This is our first time talking and you know our history. We were just glancing with each other like stranger.

He nodded. We were standing there looking each other's eyes for a moment. Like some an eye-to-eye contest who will be the first one to blink. Doing that for a while without notice we were inches closer. Then he slowly tilted his head as he leaned forward to meet our lips.

A sound from my phone that broke our senses. I quickly take out my phone and answered it. "Hello, mom." I said as I looked at Eian who was turned his back on me. He walked towards his car.

I opened the driver's door and I get in while talking to my mother who was asking if I was alright.

The nurse informed her about the slight accident inside the school ground that allowed me to send back home early. I saw Eian's car passed by in front of me as I said goodbye to my mother.

He never cares to glance at me. I think what happened inside the Infirmary was just another memory of Eian and I again.

I arrived home and went straight to my room. Rested a few minutes before I went for a shower. I looked at my face inside the bathroom mirror after took a shower. And it was still having red spot as an evidence of Eian and I bumped our forehead.

Speaking of Eian, thinking about him. I recalled our almost kiss.

'What was that all about? I cannot believe we almost got a little space to bump our lips into one if not for my mom's phone call.'

I sighed. And not just that I felt that spark when he held my hand as we walked towards the Infirmary building.

This is crazy!

I finished my thing inside the bathroom after putting my clothes on me. I went to our kitchen finding ice for my forehead.

I went back to my room and do my homework for tomorrow. I finished all of it in 2 hours then I lay back to my bed. I keep on thinking about the almost kiss.

'What's wrong with me? Eian and I were impossible to even friends. What we have in the Infirmary was just nothing.'


Staying flat in my bed looking up in the ceiling. Yeah, in fairness to us. I smiled at myself thinking. We had a great time together at the school clinic. Talking like we were so close. I never thought that was possible. Knowing our history but it was the feeling of comfortableness.

A ring from my phone that cut me out from daydreaming. It was registered to Cindy's number.

"Hey, bestie!" Answering my phone as I got up. "What's up?" Well, I can sense already why she called.

"Hey, are you alright?" Hearing her worried voice, I was glad. Always glad that she is always a true friend to me. "I heard from Vince what happen to you."

"Yeah, yeah! I am alright just a little hill in my forehead." I said with a laugh. "Just kidding, it was nothing. It will be alright once I keep doing cold compress."

"Gosh! I thought it was that worst and Eian's head was made of steel." I heard her laughing so loud and Vince on the background too. I think they were still in school. "Well, I guess we will see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow and do not worry too much. Focus now, I think I heard the bell in the background." I spoke.

"True! It is time for our last period. Take a rest okay." She said goodbye to me quickly as she hangs up the phone.

I guess their teacher was just getting in. We were not allowed to use our phone while ongoing classes unless if it is emergency.

I sighed as I looked at the ice bag in my hand, it was already melted. I decided to cook for our dinner. Mom told me that they will be home for dinner. Caria will be home soon too.

Walking down the stairs while thinking about what should I cook for our dinner. I reached our kitchen. I set aside the ice bag I was holding.

Opening our fridge, I saw something that I decide for tonight.


Taking out ingredients that I needed. ground beef, onions, black beans, picante sauce, chili powder, tomatoes, green chiles etc.

Started cutting and preparing, it never took too long to start cooking. I may not be an expert in cooking but I do know how since my parents were always busy.

I need to learn to survive plus Caria is with me that I need also to feed her. Even our family were rich but my Mom Shana wanted us to learn something on our own.

I heard some chattering in the living room. I guess my little sister Caria and cousin Zany are already here. I smiled as I waited my dish to cook and prepared for some dessert too.